Hi. I'm trying to make a grade forecasting program for python 2.7.
My problem is that I'm having difficulty trying to correlate the first "grade element" input with the first "grade element percentage" input.
Here's what I have so far.
## Grade Forecast
## Chandiramani Grade Forecast
import random
print \
Welcome to Your Personalized Grade Forecast Tool.
1 - View My Grade List
2 - Add a Grade Category
3 - Edit a Grade Category
4 - Delete a Grade Category
5 - Add a Grade
6 - Edit a Grade
7 - Delete a Grade
8 - Add an Extra Credit Grade
8 - Exit """
grade_total = 100
grade_elements = []
grade_elements_scores = []
user_grades = []
while (grade_total != 0):
x = raw_input("Enter a Grade Category: ")
x = x.upper()
y = int(raw_input("Enter its Percentage: "))
grade_total -= y
print "You have",grade_total,"points left."
if (grade_total < 0):
grade_total += y
print "Invalid input."
print "The Course should total 100%."
print "You will be able to add extra credit points later."
**I don't know how to associate the two lists. Please help!