jalpesh_007 -3 Newbie Poster

I have implemented RSA using java as shown below.

mport java.math.BigInteger;

import java.util.Random;

class SimpleRSA {

public static BigInteger p, q, N, v, k, d;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// p & q are prime numbers

Random myRandom = new Random(0);

p = BigInteger.probablePrime(512, myRandom);

q = BigInteger.probablePrime(512, myRandom);

System.out.println("Value of p:" + p);

System.out.println("Value of q:" + q);

// N = pq

N = p.multiply(q);

System.out.println("Value of N:" + N);

// v = (p-1)*(q-1)

v =



System.out.println("Value of v:" + v);

// Compute k such that gcd(k, v) = 1

k = new BigInteger("3");

while(v.gcd(k).intValue() > 1) k = k.add(new BigInteger("2"));

System.out.println("Value of k:" + k);

// Compute d such that (d * k)%v = 1

d = k.modInverse(v);

System.out.println("Value of d:" + d);

System.out.println("Public Key (k,N): (" + k + "," + N + ")");

System.out.println("Private Key (d,N): (" + d + "," + N + ")");

// Encryption

String text = "Welcome to Java";

System.out.println("Sample text:" + text);

byte[] cipherData = text.getBytes();

BigInteger a = new BigInteger(cipherData);

System.out.println("BigInteger a:" + a);

BigInteger b = a.modPow(k, N);

System.out.println("Encrypted data:" + b);

// Decryption

BigInteger c = b.modPow(d, N);

byte[] decryptedData = c.toByteArray();

String plainText = new String(decryptedData);

System.out.println("Decrypted data:" + plainText);



Now i want to implement it using socket programming.please send me idea how to implement this using Socket programming and how to run this on different machines.

hoping for positive reply....thank you

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