I'm calling sortprint but how can I Implement it? I also want to implement a the sort function.

I highlighted some of the things in red.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; 
void sortPrint( const vector<int>& v);
int main()


	vector<int> v;
	vector<int>::iterator iter;
	int num;

	cout <<"Enter the number you want to be sort and print than push ctrl z to end it. "<<endl;



	cout<<"The numbers you enter are :";
    cout<<"The numbers in ascending order is :"<<endl;
    sort (v.begin(), v.end());
    for (iter=v.begin(); iter!=v.end(); ++iter) 
        cout<< *iter << " ";
    system ("pause");
	return 0; 


void sortPrint( const vector<int>& v)

	for(int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
		cout << v[i] << " ";
	cout << endl;


sort the vector inside the sortPrint function and then print it?

i want to implement the sort and sortprint functions. I'm calling sortprint know but how can i implement it.

should sortPrint first sort the vector and then print it out?

Do something like this :

void sortPrint(std::vector<int> v){
 //sort v using your sorting algorithm?
 //print out each element in v;

should sortPrint first sort the vector and then print it out?

Do something like this :

void sortPrint(std::vector<int> v){
 //sort v using your sorting algorithm?
 //print out each element in v;


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