Hello,everyone.Im doing the same project as Slash12
I thought the data structure I constructed is correct but I don't know how to test it until my search function works.
The errors i have now are:
TypeError:__init__() takes exactly 3 arguements(1 given)
for i in range(len(board)) has no len()
TypeError:object of type "NoneType"
Im not sure about line 37 def enqueue(element, queue)
line 203
and the search function
Any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated
from interface import *
import engine
The player module is called by the engine to conduct game play. You should
not modify the signatures for the init(), shortest_path(), move()
and last_move() functions. You are free to implement any other routines or modules.
# public routines
class EmptyListNode(object):
__slots__ = ()
class ListNode(object):
__slots__ = ( "data","next" ) # the only valid attributes for node
def __init__(self, dataVal, nextVal=EmptyListNode()):
"""Initialize the node"""
self.data = dataVal # the node's element
self.next = nextVal # the node's next
def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of the node"""
return "Node val: "+ str(self.data)
class Queue(object):
__slots__ = ( "up", "down","left","right" )
def __init__(self):
self.up = EmptyListNode() # The front node in the queue
self.down = EmptyListNode() # The back node in the queue
self.left= EmptyListNode()
self.right= EmptyListNode()
def enqueue(element, queue):
"""Insert an element into the back of the queue"""
newnode = ListNode(element)
if empty(queue):
queue.up = newnode
elif empty(queue):
queue.down = newnode
elif empty(queue):
queue.left = newnode
queue.right = newnode
def dequeue(queue):
"""Remove the front element from the queue (returns None)"""
if empty(queue):
raise IndexError("dequeue on empty queue")
queue.front = queue.front.next
if empty(queue):
queue.back = EmptyListNode()
def up(queue):
"""Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
if empty(queue):
raise IndexError("up on empty queue")
return queue.up.data
def down(queue):
"""Access and return the last element in the queue without removing it"""
if empty(queue):
raise IndexError("down on empty queue")
return queue.down.data
def left(queue):
"""Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
if empty(queue):
raise IndexError("left on empty queue")
return queue.left.data
def right(queue):
"""Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
if empty(queue):
raise IndexError("right on empty queue")
return queue.right.data
def empty(queue):
"""Is the queue empty?"""
return isinstance(queue.up, EmptyListNode)
class square(object):
___slots___ = ('row', 'column', 'neighbors')
def __init__(self,row,column,neighbors):
self.row= row
self.column= column
self.neighbors= neighbors
def __str__(self):
lst = "(" + str(self.row) + "," + str(self.column) + ") neighbors:"
for i in self.neighbors:
lst = lst + "(" + str(i.row) + "," + str(i.column) + ") "
print lst
class direction(object):
def __init__(self, up,down,left,right):
def findNode(row,column,board):
''' returns the node from the graph with the given name. '''
for n in range(len(board)):
if board[n].row== board[n].column:
return board[n]
class board(object):
def __init__(self,edgeLength,squareList):
self.edgeLength = edgeLength
self.squareList = []
for i in range(0,edgeLength):
for j in range(0,edgeLength):
for current in self.squareList:
i = current.row
j = current.column
if current.row != 0:
neighbor = self.squareList[(((i-1)*9)+j)]
if current.row < (edgeLength-1):
neighbor = self.squareList[(((i+1)*9)+j)]
if current.column != 0:
neighbor = self.squareList[(i*9 + (j-1))]
if current.column < (edgeLength-1 ):
neighbor = self.squareList[(i*9 + (j+1))]
def loadboard(gameFile):
for line in open(gameFile):
contents = line.split()
row1 = int(contents[0])
column1 = int(contents[1])
row2 = int(contents[2])
column2 = int(contents[3])
if column1 == column2:
#vertical wall
leftSquare = findNode(row1,column1 - 1,board)
rightSquare = findNode(row1,column1,board)
lowleft = findNode(row2 - 1,column2-1,board)
lowright = findNode(row2 - 1,column2,board)
for i in range(len(lSquare.neighbors)):
if leftSquare.neighbors[i] == rightSquare:
for i in range(len(rightSquare.neighbors)):
if rightSquare.neighbors[i] == lSquare:
for i in range(len(lowleft.neighbors)):
if lowleft.neighbors[i] == lowright:
for i in range(len(lowright.neighbors)):
if lowright.neighbors[i] == lowleft:
elif row1 == row2:
#horizontal wall
leftUpper = findNode(row1 - 1,column1,board)
leftLower = findNode(row1,column1,board)
rightUpper = findNode(row2 - 1,column2 - 1,board)
rightLower = findNode(row2,column2 - 1,board)
for i in range(len(leftUpper.neighbors)):
if leftUpper.neighbors[i] == leftLower:
for i in range(len(leftLower.neighbors)):
if leftLower.neighbors[i] == leftUpper:
for i in range(len(rightUpper.neighbors)):
if rightUpper.neighbors[i] == rightLower:
for i in range(len(rightLower.neighbors)):
if rightLower.neighbors[i] == rightUpper:
return board
def init(gameFile, playerId, numPlayers, playerHomes, wallsRemaining):
For all parts the engine calls this method so the player can initialize their data.
gameFile - a string which is the file containing the initial board state.
playerId - the numeric Id of the player (0-4).
numPlayers - the number of players (2 or 4).
playerHomes - a list of coordinates for each players starting cell (PO-P4).
wallsRemaining - the number of walls remaining (same for all players at start).
# log any message string to standard output and the current log file
engine.log_msg("player.init called for player " + str(playerId) + " File=" + gameFile +
', playerId=' + str(playerId) + ', numPlayers=' + str(numPlayers) + ', playerHomes=' +
str(playerHomes) + ', wallsRemaining=' + str(wallsRemaining))
playerData.loadGrah(gameFile,playerId, numPlayers, playerHomes, wallsRemaining)
# initialize your data structure here, and then return it. It will be
# passed back to you as 'playerData' in the shortest_path function.
return playerData
def shortest_path(playerData, source, dest):
"""Returns a list of coordinates representing the shortest path on the
board between the start and finish coordinates.
playerData - The player's data
source - the start coordinate
dest - the end coordinate
engine.log_msg("player.shortest_path called. Source: " + str(source) +
", Dest: " + str(dest))
path = []
while not empty(que):
current = front(que)
if current == dest:
for neighbor in current.neighbors:
if neighbor not in visited:
neigbhor.previous = current
return constructPath(visited, source, destination)
def constructPath(visited, source, destination):
if destination in visted:
temp = destination
while temp!= source:
tmp = tmp.previous
return path