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I managed to get the value of an enum via reflection. I have to use reflection since I have different objects with enums in them.
But how do I get the name of the enum?
Let's say I have

enum MyEnum

I can get if (strValue.Equals("A")) as a result, but how do I get if (strName.Equals("MyEnum")) ?

I do have to mention that the enums are nullable!

To be more specific this is the method I want to use:

static void DumpProperties(object the_object)
            // Write the string to a file.
            System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("test.txt", true);

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] properties = the_object.GetType().GetProperties();
            file.WriteLine("//{0} -----------------", the_object.GetType().Name);
            foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in properties)
                Type prop_type = property.PropertyType;
                string val = "";
                if (
                    (prop_type == typeof(int))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(string))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(bool))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(float))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(double))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt32))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt64))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt32))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt16))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(System.DateTime))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(int?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(bool?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(float?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(double?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt32?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt64?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt32?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(UInt16?))
                        || (prop_type == typeof(System.DateTime?))
                    object obj_val = property.GetValue(the_object, null);
                    if (obj_val == null)
                        val = "null";
                        if (prop_type == typeof(string))
                            val = string.Format("\"{0}\"", obj_val.ToString());
                            val = string.Format("{0}", obj_val.ToString());
                else if ((prop_type.IsEnum)
                        || (IsNullableEnum(prop_type)))
                    object obj_val = property.GetValue(the_object, null);
                    if (obj_val == null)
                        val = "null";
                        val = string.Format("{0}.{1}", prop_type.GetType(), obj_val.ToString());
                    object obj_val = property.GetValue(the_object, null);
                    if (obj_val == null)
                        val = "null";
                        val = string.Format("{0}", obj_val.ToString());
                if (!val.Equals("null"))
                    file.WriteLine("pstyleHeading.{0} = {1};", property.Name, val);

        public static bool IsNullableEnum(Type t)
            Type u = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t);
            return (u != null) && u.IsEnum;

The problem is at line 58. prop_type.GetType() is wrong, but I cannot figure out what it should be...

string myEnum =MyEnum.A.Tostring();

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Mitja, I'm sorry. But string myEnum =MyEnum.A.Tostring(); is not the solution.
As you can see in the DumpProperties() method, I only have an 'object' with attributes. I don't have a MyEnum. I have to do it via reflection.

Member Avatar for ffonz

I managed to solve the problem myself.

To get the enum type one could use:

string enumType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType).Name;

where property is a PropertyInfo.
If a nullable enum is used, one could use:

string enumType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType).Name;

So line 58 should be replace with

string enumType = "";
                        if (prop_type.IsEnum)
                            enumType = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(prop_type).Name;
                        else if (IsNullableEnum(prop_type))
                            enumType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop_type).Name;
                        val = string.Format("{0}.{1}", enumType, obj_val.ToString());
//you can use  Enum.GetName(Object.GetType(), Object) this return the value in string  

Enum.GetName(Object.GetType(), Object) 
//this return namevalue
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