i'm newbie from programming,
what i want to ask is
how to get the name from dayofweek??

For cacah = 0 To 6
                Dim nodeNamaHari As DayOfWeek
               [nodeNamaHari = cacah]
                Dim nodeJelasHari As TreeNode = nodeBulan.Nodes.Add(nodeNamaHari)

that's what i try
but the nodes appear just the value like 0 to 6 not
Wednesday and furthermore

That doesnt work like this.
DayOfWeek is an ENUM...
try something like this:

Dim nodeNamaHari As DayOfWeek
For Each d In [Enum].GetNames(nodeNamaHari.GetType)


You can try something like this:

TextBox1.Text = Date.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString
commented: not what the OP wanted to know +0

Thanx so much

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