i have 2 text box
1) account no
2) amount

I have a problem whereby i want a text box to accept 9 or 10 digit (after check digit)and then show the 2nd text box but after it accept the 1st 9 digit on the 1st text box it strait away show the 2nd text box for the amount input...
i want it to accept 9 or 10 base on the check digit settings. How can i do that
Please have a look on my code and please help me....

code with Check digit

countvar = 0
            If Not FocusedTB Is Nothing Then
                lblMax.Text = FocusedTB.Text
                'If (txtMax.TextLength = 9 Or txtMax.TextLength = 10 Or txtMax.TextLength = 11) Then 'And Not ISCheck_MAX_ACCOUNT Then
                 If txtMax.TextLength >= 9 Then
                                   If _clsPOS.CheckDigit_Max_Account(FocusedTB.Text) Then
                                             picAccNoTick_Max.Image = My.Resources.BoxCheck
                                             ISCheck_MAX_ACCOUNT = True
                                              SESSION_AGENCY_ACCNO = FocusedTB.Text
                                          If RowBillAmount Then ' if amount field has been shown before
                            If Not IsCheck_MAX_AMOUNT Then
                                                           lblBillAmoFinal_Max_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
                            End If
                        Else 'show the 2nd row for 1st entry
                            PanelInfoLayout(SESSION_AGENCY_CODE, 2) ' 2: go to 2nd field
                                                   lblBillAmoFinal_Max_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
                        End If
                          picAccNoTick_Max.Image = My.Resources.Box_Uncheck
                        ISCheck_MAX_ACCOUNT = False
                                        End If
                    picAccNoTick_Max.Image = My.Resources.Box_Uncheck
                    ISCheck_MAX_ACCOUNT = False
                End If
            End If

code without Check digit

countvar = 0
            If Not FocusedTB Is Nothing Then
                lblCel.Text = FocusedTB.Text
                             If txtCel.TextLength >= 8 Then  
                    'If txtCel.TextLength = 8 Or txtCel.TextLength = 9 Then
                    picAccNoTick_Cel.Image = My.Resources.BoxCheck
                    ISCheck_CEL_ACCOUNT = True
                    SESSION_AGENCY_ACCNO = FocusedTB.Text
                    If RowBillAmount Then ' if amount field has been shown before
                        If Not IsCheck_CEL_AMOUNT Then
                            lblBillAmoFinal_Cel_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
                        End If
                    Else 'show the 2nd row for 1st entry
                        PanelInfoLayout(SESSION_AGENCY_CODE, 2) ' 2: go to 2nd field
                        lblBillAmoFinal_Cel_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
                    End If
                    picAccNoTick_Cel.Image = My.Resources.Box_Uncheck
                    ISCheck_CEL_ACCOUNT = False
                End If
            End If
            'End If

anyone can help !!!!

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