Hi guys,
I can't figure it out where I am doing wrong. I keep getting FileNotFoundException saying that "Could not find file 'C:\delete\band3_tao.img'." but this file was writen to a file in previous step. I have attached the code I have written.
I need your help.
Here is the code:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class formMain
Private Sub FormMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
If txtBoxAtmTrans.Text.Length = 0 Or txtBoxBandMin3.Text.Length = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please do not leave textboxes blank!", "Warning!")
'STEP 1: This precedure reads band3.img as input, and outputs band3_toa.img
Dim s5 As FileStream 'Load file 1
Dim s6 As FileStream 'Save output
'If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\delete\band3_toa.img") Then
' System.IO.File.Delete("C:\delete\band3_toa.img")
'End If
'---read from and write to a binary file
s5 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band3.img", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
s6 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band3_toa.img", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim br3 As BinaryReader
Dim bw3 As BinaryWriter
br3 = New BinaryReader(s5)
bw3 = New BinaryWriter(s6)
Dim fLen3 As Integer
Dim f3 As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:\delete\band3.img")
fLen3 = f3.Length
Dim snglRead3 As Single
Dim snglOutput3 As Single 'wıll hold results from division
Dim n As Integer
Dim LMax As Single
Dim LMin As Single
Dim QCalMax As Single
Dim QCalMin As Single
Dim BandMin As Single
LMax = CSng(txtBoxLMax3.Text)
LMin = CSng(txtBoxLMin3.Text)
QCalMax = CSng(txtBoxQMax3.Text)
QCalMin = CSng(txtBoxQMin3.Text)
BandMin = CSng(txtBoxBandMin3.Text)
'Read binary file1 and fill the array with pixel values
For n = 0 To fLen3 - 1
snglRead3 = br3.ReadByte
'If snglRead1 >= BandMin Then
' snglRead1 = snglRead1 - BandMin
' snglRead1 = BandMin
'End If
snglOutput3 = ((LMax - LMin) / (QCalMax - QCalMin)) * ((snglRead3 - BandMin) - QCalMin) + LMin
End If
MessageBox.Show("STEP 1 DONE", "Success!")
'STEP 2: This precedure reads band4.img and outputs band4_toa.img
Dim s7 As FileStream 'Load file 1
Dim s8 As FileStream 'Save output
'If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\delete\band4_toa.img") Then
' System.IO.File.Delete("C:\delete\band4_toa.img")
'End If
'---read from and write to a binary file
s7 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band4.img", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
s8 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band4_toa.img", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim br4 As BinaryReader
Dim bw4 As BinaryWriter
br4 = New BinaryReader(s7)
bw4 = New BinaryWriter(s8)
Dim fLen4 As Integer
Dim f4 As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:\delete\band4.img")
fLen4 = f4.Length
Dim snglRead4 As Single
Dim snglOutput4 As Single 'wıll hold results from division
Dim c As Integer
Dim LMax2 As Single
Dim LMin2 As Single
Dim QCalMax2 As Single
Dim QCalMin2 As Single
Dim BandMin2 As Single
LMax2 = CSng(txtBoxLMax4.Text)
LMin2 = CSng(txtBoxLMin4.Text)
QCalMax2 = CSng(txtBoxQMax4.Text)
QCalMin2 = CSng(txtBoxQMin4.Text)
BandMin2 = CSng(txtBoxBandMin4.Text)
'Read binary file1 and fill the array with pixel values
For c = 0 To fLen4 - 1
snglRead4 = br4.ReadByte
'If snglRead1 >= BandMin Then
' snglRead1 = snglRead1 - BandMin
' snglRead1 = BandMin
'End If
snglOutput4 = ((LMax2 - LMin2) / (QCalMax2 - QCalMin2)) * ((snglRead4 - BandMin2) - QCalMin2) + LMin2
MessageBox.Show("STEP 2 DONE", "Success!")
'STEP 3: This precedure reads band6.img and outputs band6_toa.img
Dim s9 As FileStream 'Load file 1
Dim s10 As FileStream 'Save output
'If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\delete\band6_toa.img") Then
' System.IO.File.Delete("C:\delete\band6_toa.img")
'End If
'---read from and write to a binary file
s9 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band6.img", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
s10 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band6_toa.img", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim br5 As BinaryReader
Dim bw5 As BinaryWriter
br5 = New BinaryReader(s9)
bw5 = New BinaryWriter(s10)
Dim fLen5 As Integer
Dim f5 As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:\delete\band6.img")
fLen5 = f5.Length
Dim snglRead5 As Single
Dim snglOutput5 As Single 'wıll hold results from division
Dim d As Integer
Dim LMax3 As Single
Dim LMin3 As Single
Dim QCalMax3 As Single
Dim QCalMin3 As Single
Dim BandMin3 As Single
LMax3 = CSng(txtBoxLMax6.Text)
LMin3 = CSng(txtBoxLMin6.Text)
QCalMax3 = CSng(txtBoxQMax6.Text)
QCalMin3 = CSng(txtBoxQMin6.Text)
BandMin3 = CSng(txtBoxBandMin6.Text)
'Read binary file1 and fill the array with pixel values
For d = 0 To fLen5 - 1
snglRead5 = br5.ReadByte
'If snglRead1 >= BandMin Then
' snglRead1 = snglRead1 - BandMin
' snglRead1 = BandMin
'End If
snglOutput5 = ((LMax3 - LMin3) / (QCalMax3 - QCalMin3)) * ((snglRead5 - BandMin3) - QCalMin3) + LMin3
MessageBox.Show("STEP 3 DONE", "Success!")
'STEP 4: This precedure reads band3_toa.img and outputs band3_ref.img
Dim s1 As FileStream 'Load file 1
Dim s3 As FileStream 'Save output
'If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\delete\band3_ref.img") Then
' System.IO.File.Delete("C:\delete\band3_ref.img")
'End If
'---read from and write to a binary file
s1 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band3_tao.img", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) 'Exception thrown here
s3 = New FileStream("C:\delete\band3_ref.img", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)
Dim br1 As BinaryReader
Dim bw As BinaryWriter
br1 = New BinaryReader(s1)
bw = New BinaryWriter(s3)
Dim fLen1 As Integer
Dim f1 As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:\delete\band3_tao.img")
fLen1 = Int(f1.Length / 4)
Dim snglRead1 As Single
Dim snglOutput As Single 'wıll hold results from division
Dim i As Integer
Dim distance As Single
Dim esun As Single
Dim zenith As Single
distance = CSng(txtBoxEarthSun.Text)
esun = CSng(txtBoxExoAtm3.Text)
zenith = CSng(txtBoxZenith.Text)
For i = 0 To fLen1 - 1
snglRead1 = br1.ReadSingle()
snglOutput = ((3.14159265 * snglRead1 * distance * distance) / (esun * Math.Cos(zenith * 0.01745329252)))
End Sub
End Class