I've been trying to compile OSKit under Cygwin. It gave me a bunch of errors, most of which I fixed. I can't fix this one though:

 * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 University of Utah and the Flux Group.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of the Flux OSKit.  The OSKit is free software, also known
 * as "open source;" you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2, as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation (FSF).  To explore alternate licensing terms, contact
 * the University of Utah at csl-dist@cs.utah.edu or +1-801-585-3271.
 * The OSKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GPL for more details.  You should have
 * received a copy of the GPL along with the OSKit; see the file COPYING.  If
 * not, write to the FSF, 59 Temple Place #330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * Interrupt handler initialization table and stubs.

#include <oskit/x86/asm.h>
#include <oskit/x86/gate_init.h>
#include <oskit/x86/seg.h>
#include <oskit/x86/base_trap.h>
#ifdef GPROF
#include <oskit/x86/pc/irq_list.h>

#include "pc_asm.h"

 * XXX these should either be generated (ala genassym) or defined in
 * base_trap.h.
#define TS_ERR	52
#define TS_EIP	56
#define TS_CS	60


 * Gives gprof a symbol to assign time to for functions registered
 * as interrupt handlers

#define MASTER(irq, num)						\
0:									;\
	pushl	$(irq)			/* error code = irq vector */	;\
	pushl	$BASE_IRQ_MASTER_BASE + (num)	/* trap number */	;\
	pusha				/* save general registers */	;\
	movl	$(irq),%ecx		/* irq vector number */		;\
	movb	$1 << num,%dl		/* pic mask for this irq */	;\
	jmp	master_ints

#define SLAVE(irq, num)						\
0:									;\
	pushl	$(irq)			/* error code = irq vector */	;\
	pushl	$BASE_IRQ_SLAVE_BASE + (num)	/* trap number */	;\
	pusha				/* save general registers */	;\
	movl	$(irq),%ecx		/* irq vector number */		;\
	movb	$1 << num,%dl		/* pic mask for this irq */	;\
	jmp	slave_ints


MASTER(0, 0)
MASTER(1, 1)
MASTER(2, 2)
MASTER(3, 3)
MASTER(4, 4)
MASTER(5, 5)
MASTER(6, 6)
MASTER(7, 7)
SLAVE( 8, 0)
SLAVE( 9, 1)
SLAVE(10, 2)
SLAVE(11, 3)
SLAVE(12, 4)
SLAVE(13, 5)
SLAVE(14, 6)
SLAVE(15, 7)



	/* Save the current master PIC mask (bl) */
	inb	$0x21,%al
	movb	%al,%bl

	/* Mask the interrupting IRQ */
	orb	%dl,%al
	outb	%al,$0x21

	/* Acknowledge the interrupt */
	movb	$0x20,%al
	outb	%al,$0x20

	/* Save the rest of the standard trap frame (oskit/x86/base_trap.h). */
	pushl	%ds
	pushl	%es
	pushl	%fs
	pushl	%gs

	/* Load the kernel's segment registers.  */
	movw	%ss,%dx
	movw	%dx,%ds
	movw	%dx,%es

	/* Increment the hardware interrupt nesting counter */
	incb	EXT(base_irq_nest)

	/* Load the handler vector */
	movl	EXT(base_irq_handlers)(,%ecx,4),%esi
	/* XXX re-enable the processor's I flag? */

	/* GCC likes the direction flag cleared.  */

#ifdef __ELF__	/* XXX only work for ELF right now */
	 * If supervisor mode, check for interrupt annotations.
	 * If the table is not empty, we find the entry covering the EIP
	 * and call the annotation handler before calling the interrupt
	 * handler.
	 * XXX only at nest level 0?
	testb	$3,TS_CS(%esp)
	jnz	1f
	cmpl	$0,EXT(anno_intr)
	jz	1f
	pushl	TS_EIP(%esp)
	pushl	$EXT(anno_intr)
	call	EXT(anno_find_lower)
	addl	$8,%esp
	orl	%eax,%eax
	jz	1f
	movl	4(%eax),%edx
	orl	%edx,%edx
	jz	1f
	pushl	%esp
	pushl	%eax
	call	*%edx
	addl	$8,%esp
#endif /* __ELF__ */

	 * Fake a stack frame for back traces
	movl	%esp,%edx
	pushl	TS_EIP(%esp)
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	pushl	%edx
	call	*%esi
	movl	%ebp,%esp
	popl	%ebp
	popl	%edx
	/* Call the interrupt handler with the trap frame as a parameter */
	pushl	%esp
	call	*%esi
	popl	%edx
	movl	%eax,%edx

	/* Unmask the IRQ if the return value from the handler allows it */
	jne	1f
	movb	%bl,%al
	outb	%al,$0x21
	/* Decrement the nesting counter and check for software interrupts */
	decb	EXT(base_irq_nest)
	jnz	1f
	/* But only if allowed to do so */
	jne	1f
	pushl	%esp
	movl	EXT(base_irq_softint_handler),%ebx
	call	*%ebx
	popl	%eax
	andb	$BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT_CLEARED,EXT(base_irq_nest)

	/* Return from the interrupt */
	popl	%gs
	popl	%fs
	popl	%es
	popl	%ds
	addl	$4*2,%esp	/* Pop trap number and error code */


	/* Save the current slave PIC mask (bl) */
	inb	$0xa1,%al
	movb	%al,%bl

	/* Mask the interrupting IRQ */
	orb	%dl,%al
	outb	%al,$0xa1

	/* Acknowledge the interrupt at both the master and the slave */
	movb	$0x20,%al
	outb	%al,$0x20
	outb	%al,$0xa0

	/* Save the rest of the standard trap frame (oskit/x86/base_trap.h). */
	pushl	%ds
	pushl	%es
	pushl	%fs
	pushl	%gs

	/* Load the kernel's segment registers.  */
	movw	%ss,%dx
	movw	%dx,%ds
	movw	%dx,%es

	/* Increment the hardware interrupt nesting counter */
	incb	EXT(base_irq_nest)

	/* Load the handler vector */
	movl	EXT(base_irq_handlers)(,%ecx,4),%esi
	/* XXX re-enable the processor's I flag? */

	/* GCC likes the direction flag cleared.  */

#ifdef __ELF__	/* XXX only work for ELF right now */
	 * If supervisor mode, check for interrupt annotations.
	 * If the table is not empty, we find the entry covering the EIP
	 * and call the annotation handler before calling the interrupt
	 * handler.
	 * XXX only at nest level 0?
	testb	$3,TS_CS(%esp)
	jnz	1f
	cmpl	$0,EXT(anno_intr)
	jz	1f
	pushl	TS_EIP(%esp)
	pushl	$EXT(anno_intr)
	call	EXT(anno_find_lower)
	addl	$8,%esp
	orl	%eax,%eax
	jz	1f
	movl	4(%eax),%edx
	orl	%edx,%edx
	jz	1f
	pushl	%esp
	pushl	%eax
	call	*%edx
	addl	$8,%esp
#endif /* __ELF__ */

	 * Fake a stack frame for back traces
	movl	%esp,%edx
	pushl	TS_EIP(%esp)
	pushl	%ebp
	movl	%esp,%ebp
	pushl	%edx
	call	*%esi
	movl	%ebp,%esp
	popl	%ebp
	popl	%edx
	/* Call the interrupt handler with the trap frame as a parameter */
	pushl	%esp
	call	*%esi
	popl	%edx
	movl	%eax,%edx

	/* Unmask the IRQ if the return value from the handler allows it */
	jne	1f
	movb	%bl,%al
	outb	%al,$0xa1
	/* Decrement the nesting counter and check for software interrupts */
	decb	EXT(base_irq_nest)
	jnz	1f
	/* But only if allowed to do so */
	jne	1f
	pushl	%esp
	movl	EXT(base_irq_softint_handler),%ebx
	call	*%ebx
	popl	%eax
	andb	$BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT_CLEARED,EXT(base_irq_nest)

	/* Return from the interrupt */
	popl	%gs
	popl	%fs
	popl	%es
	popl	%ds
	addl	$4*2,%esp	/* Pop trap number and error code */

The error:

../kern/x86/pc/base_irq_inittab.S: Assembler messages:
../kern/x86/pc/base_irq_inittab.S:192: Error: undefined symbol `BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT
_CLEARED' in operation
../kern/x86/pc/base_irq_inittab.S:192: Error: undefined symbol `BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT
_DISABLED' in operation
../kern/x86/pc/base_irq_inittab.S:312: Error: undefined symbol `BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT
_CLEARED' in operation
../kern/x86/pc/base_irq_inittab.S:312: Error: undefined symbol `BASE_IRQ_SOFTINT
_DISABLED' in operation
make[1]: *** [base_irq_inittab.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mike/mikeos/oskit-20020317/kern'
make: *** [kern/all.MAKE] Error 2

NM, solved. Use OSLib. :)

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