Hello - quick question,

I have created a method which prints a chosen symbol multiple times:

- User enters 5
- Print this:


I'm aware of recursion and know how to use it, my method uses it to do the above but I also use another method which contains a for loop to print the symbols. My question is this:

Is there a method that can be called to do the same without the need for a loop? My methods are as below:

// Method to print asterisks in a pyramid formation - number will be the number of asterisks on the bottom
	public static int printPyramid( int asterisks )
		if( asterisks == 0 )
			return 0;
		else {
			printAsterisks( asterisks );
			return printPyramid( asterisks );


// Method to print asterisks
	public static void printAsterisks( int numAster )
		for( int i = 1; i <= numAster; i++ )


Based on my knowledge no matter which way you do it. It will require some sort of repetition which will require a for loop or a while loop. You'll have to have some sort of loop or counter. I am not aware of a method that does this for you. It's possible you might be able to find one in a third-party library.

Yups, thats right. I have no idea how to do that without looping or recursion...

What about Python inspired iteration?

byte range[] = new byte[5];
for (byte nul : range) {
    System.out.println("do stuff");

Create a String constant "*********************************************"
then use substring(0,numAster) to pick the right numbert of *s from the fromt of it.

What about Python inspired iteration?

byte range[] = new byte[5];
for (byte nul : range) {
    System.out.println("do stuff");

Uhm, you do realise that that is still a for loop, right? (In your code anyway, what actually gets compiled is an Iterator with a while loop.)

Create a String constant "*********************************************"
then use substring(0,numAster) to pick the right numbert of *s from the fromt of it.

Uhm, a loop would still be needed, though. ;-)

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