I'm working on some python programming and I need some help as to how to double the size of a picture using the image module.... any ideas?!
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
Is the picture you are loading smaller than what you want to display? If yes, the quality will suffer quite a bit! The program has to make up missing information.
Are you using the Python Image Library PIL for this?
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
I know the quality will be degraded, but I'm going for making it larger either way.... and yes I'm using the PIL.... and yes I am going from smaller to larger.....
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
I worked on this for a while and put the code into the Python snippet section:
Hope you find it constructive for your needs.
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
Here is what I have done... some steps i did may not have been necessary, for example the extra color variables.... though now i need help with my zoom factor.... because this works for zooming in two times... but when higher numbers come about it skips pixels... i messed around with an extra for loop but its still the same... any other ideals?
def enlarge(oImage,w,h,x,y,zoom):
nImage= EmptyImage(w*zoom,h*zoom)
for q in range(w):
x = x +zoom
y = 0
for z in range(h):
color = oImage.getPixel(q,z)
red= color[0]
green= color[1]
blue= color[2]
nImage.setPixel(x ,y ,(red,green,blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+1,y +1,(red,green,blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+1, y,(red,green,blue))
nImage.setPixel(x, y+1,(red,green,blue))
for lea in range(1,zoom):
nImage.setPixel(x, y+lea,(red,green,blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+lea,y, (red, green,blue))
y = y +zoom
r = nImage
winner = ImageWin("Big Picture", w*zoom, h*zoom)
def main():
picname= raw_input("Enter Picture name with .jpg, .bmp, or ending: ")
oImage= FileImage(picname)
h= oImage.getHeight()
w= oImage.getWidth()
win = ImageWin("Original", w,h)
y = 0
zoom = input("Number of times to zoom: ")
x = -(zoom)
bumsfeld 413 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
Nice project c_shaft05 you do much thinking here!
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
I need to refraise what i said... I need help being able to take a user input for the number of times to zoom in and put it into my program but I need help with the for loop in how to do it.... pixels are being skipped when i go in to higher numbers!
bumsfeld 413 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
I remember in school they talked about DIB (device indepentant bitmaps) to be best for stretching/enlarging. Was C class for graph artists.
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
Meh.... yea... I don't know what you are talking about ... but yea... I just need help looping it to the point where its not skipping Pixels......
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
There is something missing in your code. What do you import?
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
Need to import image(not Image).... so on the top needs to be "from image import * "
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
If I use
from image import *
all I get is: ImportError: No module named image
Is this a custom module?
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
Yes it is........... it is attached... just resave it as a .py file (which you probably already knew to do)...... and you'll be set! I forgot it was a library we used for my comp sci class (this project was due 2 weeks ago.. but I'm just expanding on it is all!!!)
This module provides a simple interface to create a window, load an image and experiment
with image based algorithms. Many of which require pixel-by-pixel manipulation. This
is a educational module, its not intended to replace the excellent Python Image Library, in fact
it uses PIL.
The module and its interface and some of the code were inspired/copied by/from John Zelle's graphics.py
which serves a similar purpose in the graphics primitive world.
import Tkinter
import Image
import ImageTk
# Borrow some ideas from Zelle
# create an invisible global main root for all windows
tk = Tkinter
_root = tk.Tk()
class ImageWin(tk.Canvas):
ImageWin: Make a frame to display one or more images.
def __init__(self,title,width,height):
Create a window with a title, width and height.
master = tk.Toplevel(_root)
master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
tk.Canvas.__init__(self, master, width=width, height=height)
self.foreground = "black"
self.items = []
self.mouseX = None
self.mouseY = None
self.bind("<Button-1>", self._onClick)
self.height = height
self.width = width
self._mouseCallback = None
self.trans = None
def close(self):
"""Close the window"""
def getMouse(self):
"""Wait for mouse click and return a tuple with x,y position in screen coordinates after
the click"""
self.mouseX = None
self.mouseY = None
while self.mouseX == None or self.mouseY == None:
return ((self.mouseX,self.mouseY))
def setMouseHandler(self, func):
self._mouseCallback = func
def _onClick(self, e):
self.mouseX = e.x
self.mouseY = e.y
if self._mouseCallback:
self._mouseCallback(Point(e.x, e.y))
class image:
Create an image. The image may be created in one of four ways:
1. From an image file such as gif, jpg, png, ppm for example: i = image('fname.jpb)
2. From a list of lists
3. From another image object
4. By specifying the height and width to create a blank image.
imageCache = {} # tk photoimages go here to avoid GC while drawn
imageId = 1
def __init__(self,fname=None,data=[],imobj=None,height=0,width=0):
An image can be created using any of the following keyword parameters. When image creation is
complete the image will be an rgb image.
fname: A filename containing an image. Can be jpg, gif, and others
data: a list of lists representing the image. This might be something you construct by
reading an asii format ppm file, or an ascii art file and translate into rgb yourself.
imobj: Make a copy of another image.
width: Create a blank image of a particular height and width.
if fname:
self.im = Image.open(fname)
ni = self.im.convert("RGB")
self.im = ni
elif data:
height = len(data)
width = len(data[0])
self.im = Image.new("RGB",(width,height))
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
elif height > 0 and width > 0:
self.im = Image.new("RGB",(width,height))
elif imobj:
self.im = imobj.copy()
self.width,self.height = self.im.size
self.centerX = self.width/2
self.centerY = self.height/2
self.id = None
def copy(self):
"""Return a copy of this image"""
newI = image(imobj=self.im)
return newI
def clone(self):
"""Return a copy of this image"""
newI = image(imobj=self.im)
return newI
def getHeight(self):
"""Return the height of the image"""
return self.height
def getWidth(self):
"""Return the width of the iamge"""
return self.width
def getPixel(self,x,y):
"""Get a pixel at the given x,y coordinate. The pixel is returned as an rgb color tuple
for eaxamplle foo.getPixel(10,10) --> (10,200,156) """
return self.im.getpixel((x,y))
def setPixel(self,x,y,colorTuple):
"""Set the color of a pixel at position x,y. The color must be specified as an rgb tuple (r,g,b) where
the rgb values are between 0 and 255."""
def setPosition(self,x,y):
"""Set the position in the window where the center of this image should be."""
self.centerX = x
self.centerY = y
def draw(self,win):
"""Draw this image in the ImageWin window."""
ig = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.im)
self.imageCache[self.imageId] = ig # save a reference else Tk loses it...
image.imageId = image.imageId + 1
self.id = self.canvas.create_image(self.centerX,self.centerY,image=ig)
class FileImage(image):
def __init__(self,thefile):
image.__init__(self,fname = thefile)
class EmptyImage(image):
def __init__(self,cols,rows):
image.__init__(self,height = rows, width = cols)
class ListImage(image):
def __init__(self,thelist):
# Example program Read in an image and calulate the negative.
if __name__ == '__main__':
win = ImageWin("My Window",480,640)
oImage = image('lcastle.jpg')
myImage = oImage.copy()
for row in range(myImage.getHeight()):
for col in range(myImage.getWidth()):
v = myImage.getPixel(col,row)
x = map(lambda x: 255-x, v)
c_shaft05 0 Junior Poster in Training
is there anyone else who could take a look at this module and mess around with what i have? thanks
vegaseat 1,735 DaniWeb's Hypocrite Team Colleague
I did manage to test your code and found the problem. With zoom > 3 you will have to expand the code accordingly ...
# double the size of an image attempt
from image import *
def enlarge(oImage, w, h, x, y, zoom):
nImage = EmptyImage(w*zoom, h*zoom)
for q in range(w):
x = x + zoom
y = 0
for z in range(h):
color = oImage.getPixel(q, z)
#print x, y, q, z, color # test
red = color[0]
green = color[1]
blue = color[2]
# this takes care of zoom=2
nImage.setPixel(x , y, (red, green, blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+1, y+1, (red, green, blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+1, y, (red, green, blue))
nImage.setPixel(x, y+1, (red, green, blue))
if zoom > 2:
# problem here, skips pixel loacations and defaults to black (0,0,0)
# (x+2,y+1) and (x+1,y+2) are skipped on zoom = 3
# even more pixels are skipped on zoom = 4
for lea in range(2, zoom):
#print lea, # test
nImage.setPixel(x+lea, y+lea, (red,green,blue))
nImage.setPixel(x, y+lea, (red, green, blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+1, y+lea, (red, green, blue)) # added for zoom=3
nImage.setPixel(x+lea, y, (red, green, blue))
nImage.setPixel(x+lea, y+1, (red, green, blue)) # added for zoom=3
y = y + zoom
r = nImage
winner = ImageWin("Big Picture", w*zoom, h*zoom)
def main():
#picname= raw_input("Enter Picture name with .jpg, .bmp, or ending: ")
picname = "white80x80.jpg" # uses a totally white 80x80 test jpeg
oImage = FileImage(picname)
h = oImage.getHeight()
w = oImage.getWidth()
win = ImageWin("Original", w, h)
zoom = input("Number of times to zoom: ")
zoom = 3 # added for testing
x = -zoom
y = 0
enlarge(oImage, w, h, x, y, zoom)
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