I coded a simple program that pretends two users input random characters and the program tells you which user wrote what

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int x;
    char user;
    char ch; 
    puts("type a character");
    for(x = 0;x < 9; x++)
        if(x%2 == 1)
            user = 'x'; 
        if(x%2 != 1)
            user = 'y'; 
        ch = getchar();
        printf("user %c inputs %c\n",user,ch);

The output should look something like this:

type a character:

user y inputs a

type a character:

user x inputs b

type a character:

user y inputs b

but instead it looks like this:

type a character
user y inputs a
user x inputs 

user y inputs b
user x inputs 

user y inputs c
user x inputs 

user y inputs d
user x inputs 

user y inputs e

which means user x never gets to type a character

Double your getchar()'s, and all will be well.

When you enter a char, you hit the the enter key, putting a newline ('\n') char into the keyboard stream (stdin). The first getchar() pulls off only the char you pressed BEFORE you hit enter, leaving the newline behind - and lets it get picked up by the next getchar().

You enter: 'A', but stdin has: 'A''\n', and that's your problem.

getchar();  //add this line

solves the problem.

Wow thanks!
is there a function like perl's chomp in C?

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