benqb 0 Newbie Poster

In my phpcode

    $out = array();
    $name = "?key=1234&path=host";
    exec ("$execute $name", $out);
    foreach ($out as $value) {
    echo "$value<br />\n";

In file i want to get the value corresponding to path

that is host


#!c:/Python27/python.exe -u
    import django
    import cgi, cgitb, os, sys
    cgitb.enable(); # formats errors in HTML

    def get_full_path(self):
        url = self.request.get_full_path('')
    def query_splitter(url):
        queries = url.split('?')[-1].split('&')
        return dict([item.split('=') for item in queries])
    print query_splitter(url).get('path')

but i get an error

<type 'exceptions.NameError'> Python 2.7.1: C:\Python27\python.exe
Thu Jan 27 13:57:45 2011

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\cgi-bin\ in ()
7 url = self.request.get_full_path('')
8 def query_splitter(url):
9 queries = url.split('?')[-1].split('&')
10 return dict([item.split('=') for item in queries])
=> 11 print query_splitter(url).get('path')
query_splitter = <function query_splitter>, url undefined

<type 'exceptions.NameError'>: name 'url' is not defined
args = ("name 'url' is not defined",)
message = "name 'url' is not defined"

Iam using django module...

i want to get the value corresponding to path for that what module i what to use?
and which python funcion i want to use?