I want to load values from a lstview column to a combobox in another form.

The problem is that, my combobox style is 2 - Dropdown List and the values in it are from my database field. That's where the error occurs.

Saying Text property is read only. I could use the 0 - Dropdown combo style but users will be able to:

1. Write on it (fixed already using Keyascii = 0)
2. Enable users to copy paste. (by using the mouse)

I want to disable number 2 as well if you may.

I need help, any of the two may do..


If both the controls are using database as source then why you need to populate data from one control to another ?

I have to edit an employee record so i have to load his record displayed from a listview in another form where I will edit it.

So that the combobox vale would be the same value as the listview column from the previous form.

what happens if you update the record at 1st form ?

is it not getting updated in the other form ?

It does.

But i want to load the current record on the listview into a combobox on another form.

And i can't because that error appears, I don't want to change the combobox style to 1 or 0.

Abe, give me the code you are using for population of listview and combobox, the adding of data as well to the combo in form 2.

Populate listview:

Call Con("Database.mdb")
    With RecSet
        .Open "Select * from EmpRecord", DBLink, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

        Do While .EOF = False
            lvlEmpInfo.ListItems.Add , , .Fields("Trans_ID")
            For i = 1 To 13
                lvlEmpInfo.ListItems(lvlEmpInfo.ListItems.Count).SubItems(i) = .Fields(i)
            Next i

    End With

Populate Combobox:

Set db = New ADODB.Connection
        db.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Database.mdb"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
        rs.Open "Select Post from Post", db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Set cboPost.DataSource = rs

        'cbodept.DataField = "Office"
        Do Until rs.EOF
                cboPost.AddItem rs.Fields("Post")

        If rs.Fields("Post") = "Administrative Aide I" Then
            txtBasicRate.Text = "5000.00"
        End If


I have only one combo box sir, and its where i want to pass the values of the selected record from a column in the listview. Listview is first form and the combo box is on the second form.

When i load it via Edit command button, err appears saying the error i stated above.
As i said, i don't like changing the combobox style to 0 or 1.

If I understand this correctly, the following -

Do not use a recordset to populate the combo, use the listview.

Dim x As Integer

for x = 0 To lst.ListCount - 1
With form2
.Combo1.AddItem lst.Text
Next x

It does works sir but still get the error. Text is read only property It highlights here:

Form5.cboPost.Text = .SubItems(11)

I think its the text property since my combobox style is 2.

Change the style back, once the combo is populated, change it to 2 again.:)

Done.. Working.

Thanks again.

No problem. You know what to do now, thanks.;)

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