When i insert value into table row (data type float), smt rounds decimal values into zeros. Here is the dramatically simplified code in order to see the situation.Interestingly, assigning a single array value into a variable (as usual) doesn't work here !
Is this a SQLite bug ??
sheennave 0 Light Poster
When i insert value into table row (data type float), smt rounds decimal values into zeros. Here is the dramatically simplified code in order to see the situation.Interestingly, assigning a single array value into a variable (as usual) doesn't work here !
Is this a SQLite bug ??
float * arraySource_energy_kcal = new float[1]; // member capacity
float temp = 6.08 ;
arraySource_energy_kcal[0] = temp ; // Array initialised
label1->Text = Convert::ToString(arraySource_energy_kcal[0]); // initialized array value displayed on the screen OK , 67.08
float Weight = 100 ;
// Db connection
SQLiteConnection ^connection = gcnew SQLiteConnection();
connection->ConnectionString = "Data Source = stock.db3";
// Db connection
SQLiteCommand^ command1= connection->CreateCommand();
command1->CommandText = "CREATE TABLE meyve(`category` TEXT,`weight` FLOAT, `energy_kcal` FLOAT ) ";
SQLiteCommand^ command2= connection->CreateCommand();
command2->CommandText = " INSERT INTO meyve(`category`,`weight`,`energy_kcal`) VALUES ('greyfurt', '"+Weight+"' , '"+arraySource_energy_kcal[0]+"' ) ";
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
>>Is this a SQLite bug ??
No -- it is a bug in your program.
>>VALUES ('greyfurt', '"+Weight+"' , '"+arraySource_energy_kcal[0]+"' ) ";
Do not put quotes around the floats -- the quotes are only for the strings. You will have to format the query before sending it to SqLite, something like this
string cmd;
cmd = " INSERT INTO meyve(`category`,`weight`,`energy_kcal`) VALUES ('greyfurt',";
stringstream s;
s << Weight << "," << arraySource_energy_kcal[0];
cmd += s.str();
Edited by Ancient Dragon because: n/a
sheennave 0 Light Poster
Dear Dragon, forget about stupid quotes they are ok except arrays..? Still when i insert a decimal value into table row from the array , smt rounds decimal values into zeros on the table.
float arr[2];
arr[0] = 245 ; // right , 245 on the table
arr[1]= 1.098 ; // wrong ! , 0 in the table
SQLiteConnection ^Conn = gcnew SQLiteConnection();
Conn->ConnectionString = "Data Source = test.db3";
SQLiteCommand ^cmd = Conn->CreateCommand();
System::String ^query = "INSERT INTO xenon (`enerji_kcal`,`protein_ounce`) VALUES ('"+arr[0]+"','"+arr[1]+"' ) ";
cmd->CommandText = query ;
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
I realize you are using CLR/C++, but here is a c++ program that works ok with floats.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "sqlite3.h"
// Delete this pragma if you are not using
// a Microsoft compiler.
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::string;
// Function prototypes
void fill(sqlite3* db, string tbname);
void CreateDatabase(sqlite3** db);
void CreateTable(sqlite3* db, string& tbname);
void display(sqlite3* db, string tbname);
// This is a callback function that is called by Sqlite to process the
// resultset of a query. There are other ways to do it without using
// a callback function, such this is the simplest to implemnent.
// Parameters are:
// argc -- the number of rows in the resultset
// argv[] -- the data for each row
// azColName -- the name of each column
int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){
int i;
for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
cout << azColName[i]
<< " = ";
if( argv[i] )
cout << argv[i];
cout << "NULL";
cout << "\n";
return 0;
// This function just display an error message that
// may have been returned by the various Sqlite functions.
void dsperr(char**db_err)
if( *db_err )
cout << *db_err << "\n";
sqlite3_free(*db_err); // release (free) memory
*db_err = 0; // reinitialize the caller's pointer
// This function is called from several places to get
// the table name.
void GetTablename(string& tbname)
cout << "Enter the table name\n";
cin >> tbname;
int main()
sqlite3* db = 0; // database connection
string tbname; // table name
bool done = false;
string answer;
cout << "\n\nPlease select one of the folowing options\n";
cout << "1. Create a new or open an existing database\n";
cout << "2. Create a new table\n";
cout << "3. Add some data\n";
cout << "4. List all data\n";
cout << "5. Quit\n";
cin >> answer;
case '1':
case '2':
CreateTable(db, tbname);
case '3':
fill(db, tbname);
case '4':
display(db, tbname);
case '5':
done = true;
// Create a new or open an existing database.
// If the database does not exist it will be
// created. Note that you can specif the full
// path and filename which may, or may not, contain spaces.
void CreateDatabase(sqlite3** db)
string dbname;
cout << "Please enter the name of the database\n";
getline(cin, dbname);
int n = sqlite3_open(dbname.c_str(), db);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
cout << "Error opening database.\n";
cout << "Database open ok\n";
// Add a new table to the database. If the table
// name already exists then an error message will be
// displayed.
void CreateTable(sqlite3* db, string& tbname)
char* db_err = 0;
string statement;
if( tbname == "" )
statement = "CREATE TABLE " + tbname + " (`category` TEXT,`weight` FLOAT, `energy_kcal` FLOAT ) ";
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, statement.c_str(), NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
cout << "Error executing \"" << statement << "\"\n";
cout << "Table created successfully\n";
// Just dump some data into the table. You don't
// have a choice of the kind or quantity of data to be entered.
void fill(sqlite3* db, string tbname)
char* db_err = 0;
float weight = 100.0F;
float arraySource_energy_kcal = 6.08F;
if( tbname.length() == 0)
if( tbname == "" )
char buf[255];
//sprintf(buf,"insert into %s values(%d);", tbname.c_str(), i);
sprintf(buf,"insert into %s values('%s',%f,%f);", tbname.c_str(), "greyfurt",
int n = sqlite3_exec(db, buf, NULL, 0, &db_err);
if( n != SQLITE_OK )
cout << "Error inserting value\n";
// Query the database for all the data in the table and
// display it in the callback function.
void display(sqlite3* db, string tbname)
char* db_err = 0;
string select;
if( tbname.length() == 0)
if( tbname == "" )
if( tbname.length() > 0)
select = "select * from " + tbname + ";";
sqlite3_exec(db, select.c_str(), callback, 0, &db_err);
sheennave 0 Light Poster
Thank you . It's over .
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