I'm having trouble creating instances of classes through a GUI. I've only manually created objects before where I've named them myself, how do I do it so for eg through the click of a button where I can automatically create the instance of a class(automatically naming the object)??

I'm still not quite sure what you mean. Could you give an example please?

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Item item1 = new Item("123", "MBE");     

Every time I call this button I want to create a unique instance of a class, so that it's not overwriting item1, instead it'll create e.g. item2, item3 etc...

But that's what you're doing when you add it to the list. That list now has a reference to item1. When you leave the method, item1 as a reference, is destroyed by the GC. So when you create a new item1 on the next click, your list still contains the old item1 as well.

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