help to print a sum and average of grades using Java?
rhoxart faye 0 Newbie Poster
javaAddict 900 Nearly a Senior Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
rhoxart faye 0 Newbie Poster
javaAddict 900 Nearly a Senior Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
ztini commented: Why be nasty? You asked to see their code, they told them to go study. +0
Nick Evan commented: This does not deserve neg-rep +16

Nick Evan commented: Don't give away complete homework solutions. We're here to help people understand, not to make them pass their class without effort -3
jon.kiparsky commented: Are you having fun doing people's homework for them? +0
javaAddict 900 Nearly a Senior Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

frankel81 0 Newbie Poster
javaAddict 900 Nearly a Senior Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
peter_budo commented: Equalizer +16
peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster
javaAddict 900 Nearly a Senior Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
ztini commented: This does not contribute constructively to the thread. +0
peter_budo 2,532 Code tags enforcer Team Colleague Featured Poster
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