ok as you may know ther is a way to write to the registry and change the title of internet explorer. you add Windows Title as a sub string then set the value data to what ever you want tit to say
this is my code
RegistryKey regkey;/* new Microsoft.Win32 Registry Key */
//regkey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main");
regkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main");
string[] valnames = regkey.GetValueNames();
string val0 = (string)regkey.GetValue(valnames[0]);
string val1 = (string)regkey.GetValue(valnames[1]);
regkey.SetValue("Window Title", (string)Convert.ToString(textBox1.Text));
it should make a new string?" key under there. It needs to do what is described here
please help me fix the above code