This is my assignment

Get Monthly Income
Get Monthly Home Rent/Mortgage
Get Other Monthly Payments (alimony, child support, student loans)
Display Allowable Monthly Car Payment
Display Maximum Car Value (interest rate based on credit)

A customer can not exceed a debt load of 36% of their gross monthly income including house rent or a mortgage.


Good Credit = 10% interest
OK Credit = 16% interest
Bad Credit = 23% interest

I basically know how to code this. I get the information from the user (income, rent, and other monthly payments) and then ask if they have good, ok, or bad credit (this will be the percentage part) and I know mostly what to do, but the hardest part is the actuall coding part, basically the calculations part, im always confused on what to do, my example shows basically what to do and I know how to get the users info, but how to program the calculations, is where im also stuck at

My example is (the money for the income, rent, and other monthly payments the user entered already)

1. If there monthly Income is: $2,000.00
2. Monthly Home Rent/Mortgage: $500.00
3. Other Monthly Payments (alimony, child support, student loans): $100.00

4. Then there allowable Monthly Car Payment:
( 36% of 2,000 (income) = 720)
( now I subtract debts 720 - 500 (rent) - 100 (other) = 120) : $120.00

5. Display Maximum Car Value (interest rate based on credit):
Present Value Function (16% per year (this is where I check one of the boxes for the credit, which in this case its an ok credit), 6 years (I have to keep it at 6 years), 120 (this is the allowable monthly car payment) per month)
So basically PV((0.16 / 12), (6 * 12), 120) : $5532.03
can someone help me out on the coding / calculation part please

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Public Class Form1

    Dim Num1 As Integer
    Dim Num2 As Integer
    Dim Num3 As Integer
    Dim debt As Integer
    Dim monthly As Integer
    Dim Answer As Integer

    Private Sub Buttonsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Buttonsubmit.Click
        Num1 = TextboxNum1.Text ' This will get the users monthly income 
        Num2 = TextboxNum2.Text ' This will get the monthly home/rent mortgage
        Num3 = TextboxNum3.Text ' this will get any other monthly payments
        debt = 0.36 * Num1 ' I can charge more then 36% of the users monthly income
        monthly = debt - Num2 - Num3 ' this will deduct the income rent and other monthly payments

        ' this is where I need help, below is part of the code I need for the credit report, (I dont know how to code the percentage for the radiobuttons)
        'I need to be able to check one of the three radiobuttons to see how good the credit  the user has (it be 10%, 16%, or 23%)
        ' and after that I will put the credit (one of the radiobuttons) times it by 6 years, and then times it by how much the user can afford (monthly), and this will display the maximum car value 
        ' Im just stuck on how to code the radiobuttons so they can produce a percentage ( the 10%, 16%, and the 23%) and how to get the how to finish the rest of the code

    End Sub

    Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles badcredit.CheckedChanged
        If badcredit.Checked = True Then
            ' I dont know what to do to put this as 23 %
            If okcredit.Checked = True Then
                ' This needs to be 16% 
                If goodcredit.Checked = True Then
                    ' and this needs to be 10%
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

sorry line 14 is suppose to be cant charge more then 36% of the users monthly income

' and after that I will put the credit (one of the radiobuttons) times it by 6 years, and then times it by how much the user can afford (monthly), and this will display the maximum car value

dude, im trying to simulate your equation using your example but i can not get your $5532.02 answer. can you explain how your equation works so we can try and help you. :)

baiscally my equation is suppose to be I get the monthly income from the user (Num1) and times this by 36 % (because I cant go over 36% of the users monthly income) then minus his other expenses, which would be Num2 and Num3. At this point I would have his Allowable Monthly Car Payment. Now I need to add his credit interest rate (which would be one of the radiobuttons) then times it by 6 years (this can not changed) and then times it by his allowable monthly car payment and this is how I got the 5532.02 for the answer. my code is probably a lil messed up and I apologize for that, im not really that good with visual basic.

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