Hi I am supposed to create a program that prints out a rectangle made of asterisks using Turtle Graphics in Java I have attached a document describing the project. My code works fine and prints fine but the problem is I cant seem to get the right sequence to print out the asterisks rectangle.
Here is my code
// Exercise 7.21: TurtleGraphics.java
// Drawing turtle graphics based on turtle commands.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TurtleGraphics
private static final int MAXCOMMANDS = 100; // maximum size of command array
private static final int SIZE = 20; // size of the drawing area
private int[][] floor; // array representing the floor
private int[][] commandArray; // list of commands
private int count; // the current number of commands
private int rowPos; // the row Position of the turtle
private int columnPos; // the column Position of the turtle
// enters the commands for the turtle graphics
public void enterCommands()
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
count = 0;
commandArray = new int[ MAXCOMMANDS ][ 2 ];
floor = new int[ SIZE ][ SIZE ];
System.out.print( "Enter command (9 to end input): " );
int inputCommand = input.nextInt();
while ( inputCommand != 9 && count < MAXCOMMANDS )
commandArray[ count ][ 0 ] = inputCommand;
// prompt for forward spaces
if ( inputCommand == 5 )
System.out.print( "Enter forward spaces: " );
commandArray[ count ][ 1 ] = input.nextInt();
} // end if
System.out.print( "Enter command (9 to end input): " );
inputCommand = input.nextInt();
} // end while
} // end method enterCommands
// executes the commands in the command array
public void executeCommands()
int commandNumber = 0; // the current position in the array
int direction = 0; // the direction the turtle is facing
int distance = 0; // the distance the turtle will travel
int command; // the current command
boolean penDown = false; // whether the pen is up or down
rowPos = 0;
columnPos = 0;
command = commandArray[ commandNumber ][ 0 ];
// continue executing commands until either reach the end
// or reach the max commands
while ( commandNumber < count )
// determine what command was entered
// and perform desired action
switch ( command )
case 1: // pen up
penDown = false;
case 2: // pen down
penDown = true;
case 3: // turn right
direction = turnRight( direction );
case 4: // turn left
direction = turnLeft( direction );
case 5: // move
distance = commandArray[ commandNumber ][ 1 ];
movePen( penDown, floor, direction, distance );
case 6: // display the drawing
System.out.println( "\nThe drawing is:\n" );
printArray( floor );
} // end switch
command = commandArray[ ++commandNumber ][ 0 ];
} // end while
} // end method executeCommands
// method to turn turtle to the right
public int turnRight( int d )
//return ++d > 3 ? 0 : d;
// turtle can only have 4 directions:
// 0: right, 1: down, 2: left, 3: up.
// if the turtle is moving right (0) currently
// the turnRight command will let the turtle move down (1)
// if the turtle is moving down (1) now,
// the next turnRight command will let the turtle move left (2)
// if the turtle is moving left (2) now,
// the next turnRight command will let the turtle move up (3)
// if the turtle is moving up (3) now,
// the next turnRight command will let the turtle move right (0)
if (d>3)
return 0;
return d;
} // end method turnRight
// method to turn turtle to the left
public int turnLeft( int d )
return --d < 0 ? 3 : d;
// end method turnLeft
// To do: reduce d by 1.
// Check if d < 0, return 3
// otherwise, return d
} // end method turnLeft
// method to move the pen
public void movePen( boolean down, int a[][], int dir, int dist )
int j; // looping variable
// determine which way to move pen
switch ( dir )
case 0: // move to right
for ( j = 1; j <= dist && columnPos + j < SIZE; ++j )
if ( down )
a[ rowPos ][ columnPos + j ] = 1;
columnPos += j - 1;
case 1: // move down
// To do: add move down logic
case 2: // move to left
// To do: Add move left logic
case 3: // move up
for ( j = 1; j <= dist && rowPos - j >= 0; ++j )
if ( down )
a[ rowPos - j ][ columnPos ] = 1;
rowPos -= j - 1;
} // end switch
} // end method movePen
// method to print array drawing
public void printArray( int[][] a )
// display array
for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < SIZE; ++j )
System.out.print( ( a[ i ][ j ] == 1 ? "*" : "-" ) );
} // end for
} // end method printArray
} // end class TurtleGraphics