I have data consisting of two arrays, string item [], and string location [],

How do you create a DataGridView ( or is that even the right component to use) to
display the data in a windows form, like in a listbox?

Basically I need to write a method to display two columns of data in a DataGridView that is coming out of a for loop, with two string variables.

Any help would be appreciated.



The easiest way is to store the arrays as properties of a class, then set the data source of your DataGridView to an instance of the class and add columns with the DataPropertyName set to the two properties that you created.


public class MyContainer
  public string[] Items

  public string[] Locations

public class MyForm: Form
  public MyForm()
    MyContainer container = new MyContainer();
    container.Items = InitialiseItems();
    container.Locations = InitialiseLocations();
    myDataGridView.DataSource = container;
    myDataGridView.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Item";
    myDataGridView.Columns[0].DataPropertyName = "Items";
    myDataGridView.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Location";
    myDataGridView.Columns[1].DataPropertyName = "Locations";

Instead of creating a new class and methods to fill the class we can use LINQ to do that for us:

var allItems = item.Zip(location, (i, l) => new {Item = i, Location = l});
commented: Wow, didn't know you could do that, thanks for the tip :) +5

create a combobox column in datagridview and pass the string array to the column as datasource

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
            column.DataPropertyName =Column_Name ;
            column.HeaderText = Column_Name;
            column.Name = Column_Name;

and then for one cell

((DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dg.Rows[r].Cells["Column_Name"]).DataSource = string_Array;

Thanks for all your answers! On one hand C# is fairly easy to learn the basics of, and on the other, is so extensive, that there is always a different way to do things.

I ended up not using a datagridview, and accessed the info in the listbox by index only, and the program was simple enough that it worked well enough. The datagrid would have been a more elegant solution, and I DO need to learn how to use it so I'll be doing some coding till I feel confident with the intricacies of the examples you provided.

Thanks again for taking the time.


Instead of creating a new class and methods to fill the class we can use LINQ to do that for us:

var allItems = item.Zip(location, (i, l) => new {Item = i, Location = l});

but there is some code missing. Would you mind showing it all? I mean, where from is "item" and "Zip"? Is Zip methodonly in VS2010, cause I dont have it it VS 2008.

but there is some code missing. Would you mind showing it all? I mean, where from is "item" and "Zip"? Is Zip methodonly in VS2010, cause I dont have it it VS 2008.

item and location are the names of his arrays (from the first post). Zip is a new (as of 4.0) LINQ extension method that allows you to take two IEnumerables and combine them to produce one output IEnumerable.

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