I'm not sure where to start with this code. I would greatly appreciate if someone could write the code up for me.
Here are the details.
The program should prompt the user to enter the weight of an object on Earth, between 0 and
1000 pounds, and the name of a planet. It should then output how much the object would
weigh on the specified planet.
• Use the table below to get the factor by which the weight must be multiplied for each
• The program should check that the user has input valid data. The program should
output an error message if the user inputs an incorrect planet name or a weight
outside the bounds.
• The program should allow the user to keep inputting weights for different planets
until they are ready to quit the program.
• The prompts and error messages should make it clear to the user how planet names
should be entered and what the valid range for the weight is.
• The results should be displayed neatly and well formatted. The weight on the
specified planet should be displayed with a precision of 2.
Also make sure to include:
Planet Weight)Conversion)Factor
Mercury 0.4155
Venus 0.8975
Earth 1.0
Mars 0.3507
Jupiter 2.5374
Saturn 1.0677
Uranus 0.8947
Neptune 1.1794
If you feel as if you can do this for me, please contact me via AIM @ crunner17 or via YIM @ crunner17. Please respond to the thread if you can help me by leaving me something is which I can contact you.
If you can do this for me, I will love you forever.