DJ_4375 0 Newbie Poster

Hi there guys really hoping for some help after searching Google for a stupidly long amount time and coming up blank.
I am using Crystal Reports 10, 1.1, SQL Server and Visual Studio 2003 with VB.
I have an Image field in the database that I need to retrieve in to a dataset and get the image to display in crystal reports.
What I have so far is the following:
In The code behind i have something like:

Dim objImage As Images
objImage = BOL.Images.GetImage(ID)

CrystalReportDocument = New Reports.CrystalReport
Dim ObjectAdapter As new CSLA.Data.ObjectAdapter
Dim Dataset As New Reports.ReportXSD
ObjectAdapter.Fill(DataSet, "Images", objImage)

With CrystalReport
End With

In the Class i have a function which gets the data:


Public Property Name() as String
	return strName
	end get
	set(byval value as string)
		strName = value
	end set
end property

Public Property Image() as Byte ()
	return imgImage
	end get
	set(byval value as Byte())
	imgImage = value
	end set
end property


Public Shared Function GetImage(byVal ID) As Images
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(storedProcedure, Connection)
cmd.Paramaters.Add(new SqlParamater("@intID",ID)
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = CType(cmd.ExecuteReader, SqlDataReader)
If dr.HasRows Then
Dim C As Images = New Images
While dr.Read
c.Name = dr.GetString(dr.GetOrdinal("Name"))
c.Image = DirectCast(dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("Image")), Byte())
End While
Return c

and in the data set i have an element called Images
with two fields
Name as string and
Image as base64binary

In the report I have added the two fields (image and name), but all that is displayed
is the name and a blank image. What have I missed ?
All I can gather is I need to read the bytes, but this is where I become stuck.
Thanks in advance.