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I was wondering how I can add a button to my program to allow me to send a message. For example, if the user clicks a button called "Hello", it will send "Hello" to the receive part of my program.

To send an ordinary message, I am using the following code.

void CSimpleSendDialog::OnBnClickedSendButton()
	m_pSendText->GetWindowText(m_szSendBuf, SEND_BUFFER_SIZE);
	m_iSendLen = (int) strlen(m_szSendBuf);

	int iBytesSent = sendto(m_SendSOCKET, (char FAR *)m_szSendBuf, m_iSendLen, 0,
			(const struct sockaddr FAR *)&m_SendSockAddr, sizeof(m_SendSockAddr));


Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any response.

Do you want the above function to be called when button "Hello" is clicked?

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Yes please.

From the convention you have used to name the function, I believe you are using MFC.
Here is a tutorial on how to use Buttons.

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