Tried running ant on some example source and keep getting this error..

Does anyone know as I'm assuming i'm maybe missing the ejb libs but am pointing to the glassfish/jdk which should have them? I also thought JSE compiles JEE code?


Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1>ant
Buildfile: Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\build.xml

     [echo] BuildName: chapter1
     [echo] BuildHome: Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1
     [echo] BuildFile: Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\build.xml
     [echo] BuildJVM: 1.6


     [echo] -----> Initializing project properties

     [echo] -----> Creating the required sub-directories

     [echo] -----> Compiling EJBs
    [javac] Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\build.xml:136: warning: 'include
antruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for
 repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 2 source files to Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\buil
    [javac] Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\src\ejb\bean\ejb3inaction\exampl
e\ package javax.ejb does not exist
    [javac] import javax.ejb.Remote;
    [javac]                 ^
    [javac] Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\src\ejb\bean\ejb3inaction\exampl
e\ cannot find symbol
    [javac] symbol: class Remote
    [javac] @Remote
    [javac]  ^
    [javac] Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\src\ejb\bean\ejb3inaction\exampl
e\ package javax.ejb does not exist
    [javac] import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    [javac]                 ^
    [javac] Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\src\ejb\bean\ejb3inaction\exampl
e\ cannot find symbol
    [javac] symbol: class Stateless
    [javac] @Stateless

    [javac]  ^
    [javac] 4 errors

Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1\build.xml:136: Compile failed; see the compi
ler error output for details.

Total time: 1 second

Z:\My Desktop\ejb3-samples\chapter1>

You'll need to make sure the J2EE libs are included on your build classpath. You can read about doing this with ant here:
or perhaps you may want to look where you got the example code from to see if they have any instructions for use with their build files.

Thanks, I'm using a mac and wasn't calling ${J2EE_HOME}, I should have changed the any files to ${env.J2EE_HOME}

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