Hi all,

How do i store matching substring and string inside one single arraylist?


[[er, every, errant]] which saying er substring is inside string every and errant.how should i make the comparison?

basically what i did is only make 2 arraylist

a1 = new ArrayList();
a2 = new ArrayList();


a2.add(a1); but this does not make any matching between the substring and string. thanks.

Not exactly a clear statement of requirements, but if you want to link that list of words to the substring you could use a HashSet with the substring as the Key and the ArrayList of words as its Value.

hmm..but i am not be able to compare the substring and string right?as in whether that substring belong to that string.

You said "How do i store matching substring and string ..." so I assumed you had already compared the substring and string, and were looking for a way to store the ones that match. In the HashMap you use the substring (eg "er") as a key through which you can get the ArrayList of all the matching words (eg "every", "errant") .
If that's not helpful, then maybe you can provide a clearer /more complete description of what you need to achieve?

hmm..myb my requirements not clear enough (my bad). what i mean is i have created 2 arraylist.

one arraylist store terms : every, word, errant
one arraylist store bigrams of the terms : ev, ve, er, ry, wo, or, rd, rr, ra, an, nt

so here i am trying to find the matches between those two arraylist. example: ev belong to every and i need to store them inside the arraylist so the structure of the dates would looks like

[ev [every, errant]
ve [every]
and so on


sry i mean

[ev [every]
ve [every]
er [every, errant]
and so on

OK, that's a lot clearer, thank you. HashMap<String, Arraylist<String>> still looks like the best choice to me.

but hashmap wont be able to store the value in one arraylist right?thanks.

Sorry, don't understand your question. It would look like:

KEY (String)    VALUE (ArrayList)
"ev"            ["every"]
"ve"            ["every"]
"er"            ["every", "errant"]

hmm..but how do i make comparison in hashmap? like er is having every and errant. and to add them inside the arraylist? mind enlighten me since i never doing hashmap before.thanks

Like I said the hashmap is for storing the matches. In pseudocode it goes something like this:

for every bigram
   for every word
      if word contains bigram
         if there is already a key in the hashmap for this bigram
            get the corresponding ArrayList of words and add this word
            add a new entry in the hashmap, bigram as key, new ArrayList(word) as value
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> test = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
        ArrayList a1 = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList a2 = new ArrayList();


        for (Object element : a2) {
            for (Object element1 : a2) {
                if (a1.contains(a2)) {  
                    if(!test.isEmpty()) {
                    else {

my codes.

but it displays empty values. did i miss anything here?thanks for the feedback.

Should line 13 be for (Object element1 : a1) ???
Line 14 should use the loop variables
line 15..
Sorry man, your code really doesn't follow the pseudocode at all

ps code would be better with the ArrayLists declared as <String> -

for (String element : a2) {
            for (String element1 : a1) {
                if (element.contains(element1)) {
                    if(!test.isEmpty()) {
                    else {


i modified the codes. but i am not sure how do i get the arraylist value out?

for (String element : a2) {
            for (String element1 : a1) {
                if (element.contains(element1)) {
                    if(element.equals(test.containsKey(element))) {
                    else {

did this. but the value inside is empty. is something wrong with the codes?i followed according to the psuedo. thanks.

4: if (test.containsKey(element)) { // this is all yu need

5: test.get(element).add(element1) // key is bigram, value is word

8: test.put(element, ... // value here needs to be a new ArrayList containing word]

Note: variable names make this hard or easy - element/element1 doesn't help, bigram/word would make it much clearer



        for (String bigram1 : a2) {
            for (String words : a1) {
                if (words.contains(bigram1)) {
                    else {
                      test.put(bigram1, new ArrayList<String>(a1));

it does display the values but the whole values come out

{ev=[every, bobs, three], ob=[every, bobs, three]}

no comparison being made.anything wrong with my codes here?thanks.

Is there anything wrong with my codes as why the whole values are being displayed?thanks.

Line 15 you add a new arraylist containing the whole word list (a1), this should just be the single word that you just found (words) (NB: not the same syntax).

ps Variable words is a confusing name, change it to word because it only contains one word at a time!

pps: This is a perfect example of how good/bad variables names can help/hinder you. Your word list is called "a1", which means nothing. If you gave it a good name, eg "allTheWords" then your mistake would have been obvious... test.put(bigram1, new ArrayList<String>(allTheWords)); // obviously that's not right!

hi james,

for (String bigram1 : bigram) {
            for (String word_ : allwords) {
                    if (word_.contains(bigram1)){
                      if(test.containsKey(bigram1)) {
                    else {
                      test.put(bigram1, new ArrayList<String>(word_));

is the test.put is wrong to put new ArrayList<String>(words)? but (does not accept words).

if(test.containsKey(bigram1)) {

@mKorbel - OP needs to add ALL words that match, so the break is INCORRECT

@drogba123 - do NOT put in the break suggested in the previous post.
I did say it's not the same syntax to create a new ArrayList with just one String in it. You have to do something like:

ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); // new arraylist...
temp.add(word_); // .. containing just the current word ...
test.put(bigram1, temp); // ... is added to the HashMap

thanks guys for the feedback.so actually i need a temporary arraylist to contain the words?

ah i got it.so temporary array is to store only the words that i wanted..thanks james.u have been helping me since yesterday. many thanks.gonna try it out.

Almost... the temp reference is for you to create a new ArrayList, add a word to it, and add the ArrayList to the HashMap. After that the temp reference goes out of scope and dies - it's not needed any more.

okay got it. is there any way to sort the hashmap based on key and value? i tried to sort using collection but it does not work

{ra=[errant], nt=[errant], ev=[every], or=[word], an=[errant], wo=[word], ve=[every], rr=[errant], rd=[word], er=[every, errant], ry=[every]}

it should be an start in the first list. any suggestions?

i do collections.sort(bigram);

okay got it. is there any way to sort the hashmap based on key and value? i tried to sort using collection but it does not work

{ra=[errant], nt=[errant], ev=[every], or=[word], an=[errant], wo=[word], ve=[every], rr=[errant], rd=[word], er=[every, errant], ry=[every]}

it should be an start in the first list. any suggestions?

i do collections.sort(bigram);

Easiest solution is probably just to change your HashMap to a TreeMap - it has all the same keys/values/methods etc, but it keeps the data sorted into order according to the keys (bigrams) automatically

tree map?will i be able to output the values inside to text file?sorry..never learn this thing before..all i learn is standard array.

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