I am making a calculator for a project,using Swing but I am finding one task particulary hard because it is something I have not yet learned. So for this calculator I need a rounding menu I have a list of menu items 0 through to 9 which stipulate the rounding precision to be applied to all calculations. I have taken a screen shot to give you an idea.
I am not sure how to do this, online I have found many people mention the BigDecimal class and one of the instructors told me to search for the round method, however I am looking at both of these options but I am not sure how to implement them.
I thought I would ask if any one had any similar code samples I could look at.

there are:

1/ basic and strong Assembler's rounding mode

int baseInt = (doubleNumber + (0.05))/100
double roundedNumber = baseInt * 100

2/ rounding problems if NumberValue ends with 3,6,9, sometimes (lots of decimal places) I never check why, never solved, just ignored, compared with outPut/rounding from MsExcel

int decimalPlace = 0;
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(doubleNumber);
bd = bd.setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
doubleNumber = bd.doubleValue();

3/ excelent and strong way, but required that by usage JFormattedTextField and proper/correct way

amountFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

4/ excelent and strong way

public class round {

    public static double roundTo2Places(double value) {
        assert value >= Long.MIN_VALUE / 100 && value <= Long.MAX_VALUE / 100;
        long digits = (long) (value < 0 ? value * 100 - 0.5 : value * 100 + 0.5);
        return (double) digits / 100;

    private round() {

- your GUI isn't layed corect way, please don't use bound/size etc
- JTextFields knows Font
- JComponets aren't justified
- JTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.RIGHT);

<my view>
I don't like that, I think it's ugly
</my view>

sure there are exists another way "How to Rounding Correctly"

Thank you for the examples I think I can go ahead now.
I was hoping you could elaborate on your ending comments as I am not sure what they mean:

your GUI isn't layed corect way, please don't use bound/size etc
- JTextFields knows Font
- JComponets aren't justified
- JTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.RIGHT);

input TextField replace with JFormattedTextField#NumberInstance

about justifications

your input TextField is shorter as JButtons
your input JButton "CE" is shorter as above JButtons

set Font and RightxAlignment for input TextField

ignore my hint about layout, without see your code

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