emaduddeen 0 Light Poster

Hi Everyone.

Can you show me what the most effecient way to load data from a data adapter in textboxes would be?

I heard that binding data to the textboxes is a better way but this is how I have been doing it so far:

' Compose the SELECT statement to first display the data to update.
                SqlStatement =
                   "Select Shape " & _
                     "From Shapes " & _
                    "Where ID = @ID "

                headerDetails.Text = "Edit Shape"

                    ' Create the connection object.
                    objConnection = New SqlConnection(FormMain.strDatabaseConnection)

                    ' Start out clean.

                    ' Create an instance of the data adapter and then fill with data.
                    objDataAdapterShapeDetails = _
                        New SqlDataAdapter(SqlStatement, objConnection)

                    ' Assign the primary key value into data adapter parameter.
                    objDataAdapterShapeDetails.SelectCommand.Parameters. _
                        AddWithValue("@ID", strStringFromSearch)

                    ' Fill the dataset with data.
                    Dim intTotalRowsFound As Integer = 0

                    intTotalRowsFound = objDataAdapterShapeDetails.Fill(objDataSetShapeDetails, _
                                                       "Shape Details")

                    ' Load data into the edit boxes.
                    editBoxShapeName.Text = _
                        objDataSetShapeDetails.Tables("Shape Details").Rows(0) _

                Catch exSqlErrors As SqlException

                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I had trouble with your data " & _
                                    "because of this SQL error:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & exSqlErrors.Message, _
                                    "Other Error")

                Catch exErrors As Exception
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I had trouble with your data " & _
                                    "because of this error:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & exErrors.Message, _
                                    "Other Error")

                End Try

If data binding is the best way, can you change the code so it can use data binding?

