i have 1 2 : 3 , now i have to remove the ":" , after that need split it .
after split, my expected output is shown below:

1 2 3
1 2

may i know how to remove the ":" and split it?

hope anyone can help me?

This how:

string a = "1 2 : 3";
            string b = a.Replace(":", "");  //removes :
            string[] split = b.Split(' ');   //splits to 3 characters


Or Remove:

string str = "1 2 : 3";
            int ind = str.IndexOf(':');
            str = str.Remove(ind, 1);
            string[] split = str.Split(' ');

i had try your coding. your coding is work.
may i know how to display my output in message box?


But that would mean you have to concatenate your strings again.
Perhaps better is to assign your strings to the Text property of some Labels you put on your Form.

i had already success to remove the ":".
now my problem is 1 2 3, i just wan to split the 3 only.
after split the 3, 1 2 still maintain.
i wan the output is shown below :
1 2 3
1 2

May i know to to split the 3 only?

string str = "1 2 : 3";
str = str.Replace(":","");
string[] array = str.Split(' ');
string third = array[2];
string secnond = array[1];

//to get only 3 out of the whole string
stirng three = str.Substring(str.Lenght -1, 1);

i had try your code many times, but cannot run. i need to store the data in to arrayList. anyway, thanks ur help^^

This produces ouput as disired by the OP but read the comments:

string str = "1 2 : 3";
            int ind = str.IndexOf(':'); 
            str = str.Remove(ind, 2); // 2 to remove not only : but also extra space!
            //str = str.Replace(":", "");
            //with two spaces next to each other in str, Split would
            //produce an extra empty string in the string array!
            //test it by using 1 in Remove or use Replace
            string[] array = str.Split(' '); 
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                Console.Write(array[i] + " ");
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 1; i++)
                Console.Write(array[i] + " ");
            Console.Write(array[array.Length - 1]);
string str = "1 2 : 3";
            string[] s = NewString(str).Split(',');
            foreach (string strings in s)
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strings))

now the newstring method

private string NewString(string str)
            string s = str.Replace(" ",",");
            return s.Replace(":", ",");


private class stringlist:List<string>

instead of MessageBox,Show method use

stringlist sl = new stringlist();
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