So I've got these instructions for a piece of work, but I don't understand what it's saying, there are prototypes for functions but like I said, I don't understand them.
typedef struct BigInteger* big_integer_t; // so I know typedef allows you to assign different names to existing types, but this seems to be making a struct, but then has this pointer of type BigInteger after it, so is it making a struct of this type? What would that even do?
big_integer_t bigIntFromString(const char *str);
void freeBigInt(big_integer_t a); // what does the 'a' mean? What sort of formatting is this? Thought you need a comma between variables.
big_integer_t add(big_integer_t a, big_integer_t); // From this line it seems that 'big_integer_t a' is a different variable, I didn't think you could have a space in a variable name.
big_integer_t subtract(big_integer_t a, big_integer_t);
Sorry if this is all really simple stuff, but it's confusing me :(