Hey im having trouble making the tester part of a program. In the first part I made a class named student:
public class Student {
private String name;
private int idnumber;
private double gpa;
private int credithours;
public Student(String studentname, int idNumber, double gradepa, int chours) {
name = studentname;
idnumber = idNumber;
gpa = gradepa;
credithours = chours;
public String getname() //Accessor Methods
return name;
public int getidnumber()
return idnumber;
public double getgpa()
return gpa;
public int getcredithours()
return credithours;
public String getyear() { //gets students current year
String year = "";
if (credithours < 18) {
year = "The student is currently in first year.";
else if ((credithours >= 18)&&(credithours < 48)) {
year = "The student is currently in second years.";
else if ((credithours >=48)&&(credithours < 78)) {
year = "The student is currently in third year.";
else if ((credithours >= 78)&&(credithours < 108)) {
year = "The student is currently in forth year.";
else if (credithours > 108) {
year = "The student is currently in fifth year.";
return year;
public String getstanding() { //gets students standing
String standing = "";
if (gpa >= 2.5) {
standing = "The student is first-class";
if ((gpa >=1.75)&&(gpa < 2.5)) {
standing = "The student is second-class";
if (gpa < 1.75) {
standing = "The student is third-class";
return standing;
Now the second part of the question is:
a. Declare a 1-D array of n (given as input) Student objects. Then, for each student, input name, id
number, grade point average and number of credits, create a Student object and store it in the
b. Determine and output:
the name and id number of each fourth-year student with first-class standing, a count of the number of first-year students, and all attribute values for each first-year student.
I just don't understand how to work the 1-D array. I do not just want the answer but any tips or pushes in the right direction would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks, dave