This is my first post and my first experience with Python. My environment is Windows XP/Win7. I have installed ActivePython 2.7, extensions and other packages and run many test scripts. I was especially interested that a .py file could include code to self-register as a COM object, and according to docs could be accessible with CreateObject() in scripting languages that support COM.
I ran and self-registered a basic Hello World script. But trying to access it with CreateObject() in VBA or other scripting code I get the error that the C libraries could not load which I tracked down to the issue that Python binaries are compiled in Visual Studio 2008 and require the VC90.CRT manifest in the calling app.
Probably I read the docs wrong, but how do I get around this issue as I am not calling the Python COM object with an exe that has the manifest embedded.
BTW: If I include the Python code in a .wsc file I can use GetObject().
This is a transitional step as I would be moving from current apps scripted in other languages to running 100% from Python (if possible).
TIA. appreciate any response and directions.