Visual studio 2005 and access 2007.
Autocomplte textbox is not displaying results.
Here is my code

txtname.AutoCompleteCustomSource = m_namesCollection;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtname.Text.Trim().ToString()))
                    m_search = txtname.Text.Trim().ToString();
                    foreach (DataRow cust_dr_autoloop in m_dt_Customer.Rows)
                        if (cust_dr_autoloop["cust_name"].ToString().StartsWith(m_search))

I have set the autocomplete mode to suggest and autocomplete source to custom source.

I have written the above code in the text change event.
I also added the following line of code to ensure some results are returned.


i dont think u need to manually right all this..

just type this code on form load event or any other that may see

foreach (DataRow cust_dr_autoloop in m_dt_Customer.Rows)
                    {                       if (cust_dr_autoloop["cust_name"].ToString().StartsWith(m_search))

now u will have all the cust_name collection in m_namesCollection .. the assign this collection to text box autocomlete

like this:

txtname.AutoCompleteCustomSource = m_namesCollection;
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