lcburkett 0 Newbie Poster

I am building for a football team can enter their points and it will display points and total points and a final Score.
the message box opens and you enter the point and the point then suppose to go into the listbox. I can't to get the points to go in the list box and calculate the final score. This my code could anyone please help me.

Dim strScores As String
        Dim decScores As Decimal
        Dim strTotalofallScores As String
        Dim DecTotalofallScores As Decimal = 0D
        Dim strInputMessage As String = "Enter the Score #"
        Dim strInputHeading As String = "Points Scored"
        Dim strNormalMessage As String = "Enter the Score #"
        Dim strNonnumericMessage As String = "Error-Enter a number for the Point Scored #"
        Dim strNegativeError As String = "Error-Enter a positive number for Points Scored#"

        ' Declare and initialize loop variables
        Dim intMaxNumberOfEntries As Integer = 10
        Dim intNumberOfEntries As Integer = 1

        ' This loop allows the user to enter the point Scored of up to 10 Scores
        ' the loop terminates when the user has entered 10 scores or the user

        strScores = InputBox (strInputMessage & intNumberOfEntries, strInputHeading, "")

        Do Until intNumberOfEntries > intMaxNumberOfEntries = decTotalofallScore()

            If IsNumeric (decScores) Then
                decScores = Convert.ToDecimal (strScores)
                If decScores > 0 Then
                    lstScores.Items.Add (decScores)
                    DecTotalofallScores += DecTotalofallScores
                    intNumberOfEntries += 1
                    strInputMessage = strNormalMessage

                    strInputMessage = strNegativeError
                End If
                strInputMessage = strNonnumericMessage
            End If

            If intNumberOfEntries <= intMaxNumberOfEntries Then
                strScores = InputBox (StrInputBoxMessage() & intNumberOfEntries, StringTrimming, "")
            End If
        ' Makes label visible
        lblTotalofallScore.Visible = True

        ' Calculate and display average speed
        If intNumberOfEntries > 1 Then
            decScores = decTotalofallScore()/(intNumberOfEntries - 1)
            lblTotalofallScore.Text = "Final Score is " & _
                                      decTotalofallScore.ToString ("F1") & ""

            lblTotalofallScore.Text = "No Score entered"

        End If
        'Disaables the Enter Score button
        btnEnterScore.Enabled = False

    End Sub