I cannot figure out number 3 and 4. Median and standard deviation. I think i am close but not getting the right answer. Any ideas? Thanks.

/*      37 April 2011
   Assingment:      Project 2 I revision 1,2,5,6,7 and comments and formatinng done.. need 3,4 
   Description:     Implement a menu system managing an arry of data

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// Calculate sum and mean
void mean(double a[],int n)
    int i;                //setting variables for local function use
    double sum=0;
    double avg=0;

   for(i=0 ; i<n ;i++)    //finding sum and average         
    sum=sum+a[i];         // sum math
    avg=sum/n;            // average math

   printf("Your sum is %lf\n", sum); //displaying sum 
   printf("Mean= %lf\n", avg);       //displaying average

//Calculate median
void median(double a[], int n)
    int i;
    double x,even,y,odd;  //setting variables for local function use

   if (n%2==0) //calculating even median

    printf(" Your median is %lf ", even);  // Printing even median
   else        //calculating odd median
    odd = (a[i/2] + a[i/2+1])/2;    
    printf("Your median is %lf ", odd);    // Printing odd median

//  Calculate the standard deviation
void dev(double a[], int n)

    double sum = 0;           // The sum of all elements so far. 
    double sum_sqrs = 0;      // The sum of their squares. 
    double variance, average,std_dev;
    int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sum += a[i];
    sum_sqrs += a[i]*a[i];

  //Compute the average and variance,using the equality: Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)*E(X)
    average = (double)sum / (double)n;
    variance = (double)sum_sqrs / (double)n - (average)*(average);

  // Compute the standard deviation. 
    std_dev = sqrt(variance);   

  printf("The deviation is %lf", variance);            
//calculate range

void range(double a[],int n)
      int i;
      double range;     //setting variables for local function use
      double max = a[0];
      double min = a[0];

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)   // using loop than calculating max and min 
          if (a[i] > max)
              max = a[i];           
          else if (a[i] < min)
              min = a[i];
      range=max-min;     //calculating range
      printf ("The range of the array is: %lf\n", range); //printing range

//Calculate Frequency

void freq(double a[],int n)

    double count_neg=0;  //setting variables for local function use
    double count_1=0;
    double count_2=0;
    double count_3=0;
    int i;      

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  // using for loop for couting
     if(a[i]<0)              // counting for less than zero
     if(a[i]>0 && a[i]<10)   //counting for greater than zero and less than 10
     if(a[i]>10 && a[i]<100) //counting for greater than tenn and less than 100
     if(a[i]>100)            //counting for greater than 100
    printf("(negative infinity,0)   = %lf\n",count_neg);     
    printf("(0,10)                  = %lf\n",count_1);
    printf("(10,100)                = %lf\n",count_2);
    printf("(100,positive infinity) = %lf\n",count_3);            

int main(void)

    int num7=7, opt;    // setting variables 

    printf("This program will let you input the size and then data for an array.\n");
    printf("Feel free to make the array as large or as small as you would like.\n");
    printf("You will then be given several options to choose from.\n");
    printf("Each option will give you a chance to go back to the main\n");
    printf("menu unless you exit the program.\n");

    int i,k,res;
    int n, c; //size of array
    double a[100]; //array variable

    printf("Enter the size of your Array: "); //asking user for array size
    scanf("%d", &n);                          //getting size from user

       for(i=0; i<n; i++)
       printf("Enter Integer: ");  //input array
       scanf("%lf", &a[i]);         //getining array data from user.


    printf("\nPlease select from one of the following operations:\n\n");
    printf("1. Display data set\n");
    printf("2. Calculate the mean and sum of data set\n");
    printf("3. Calculate the median of the data set\n");
    printf("4. Calculate the standard deviation of the data set\n");
    printf("5. Find the range of the data set\n");
    printf("6. Display a frequency distribution\n");
    printf("7. Quit\n");

   while(num7=7)       //Setting While loop
    printf("\nSelect Option:  "); //asking user for option
    scanf("%d", &opt);  // Takes in the option

   if (opt==7)    
   return 0; 

    switch(opt)    // switch set up to look for the option variable
    /*  OPTION #1 */

    case 1: //if user choses option 1

       printf("Your oringal array is: ");   //displaying original array for user

       for(i=0;i<n;i++)  //Setting loop for display
           printf("%lf ", a[i]); //printing array on screen for user


    /* OPTION #2 */

    case 2: //if user chooses option 2

       mean(a,n);  // calling mean function


    /* OPTION #3 */

    case 3: //if user chooses option 3

       median(a,n); //calling median function


    /* OPTION #4 */

    case 4: //if user chooses option 4

       dev(a,n);  // calling deviation function


    /* OPTION #5 */

    case 5: //if user choose option 5

       range(a,n); //calling range function


    /* OPTION #6 */

    case 6:

       freq(a,n);  //calling frequency function


    /* OPTION #7  will quit the program*/

    /* If there is an incorrect option chosen */

    default: printf("Invaild response. Please choose from one of the seven choices. Thank you!");


return 0;


First, use code tags around your program's code. Nobody wants to study code that looks like the dog's dinner, two days ago. ;)

Second, narrow it down. WHAT do you need help with? Are you getting the mean calculated OK?

Narrow down what we should focus on, and save us all a lot of time. You'd be amazed at the pure genius we see in noobs, with messing up a program!

And no matter how badly you want to avoid it, you WILL have to learn some troubleshooting techniques - and practice them. Your programs will initially have bugs, and you will have to hunt them down.

So what about the mean? Is that good?

Sorry it looks a lot cleaner on dev-c. The mean calculation works fine. It is the median and standard deviation calculations that are not giving me the correct answers. For example when I calculate standard deviation for an array ( 1 2 3 4 5 ) it should be 1.5 but it is computing 2.0. When I run the median calculation the dos windows errors out and quits. I did not get any compiler errors. So the two main codes would be:

//Calculate median
void median(double a[], int n)
    int i;
    double x,even,y,odd;  //setting variables for local function use
   if (n%2==0) //calculating even median
    printf(" Your median is %lf ", even);  // Printing even median
   else        //calculating odd median
    odd = (a[i/2] + a[i/2+1])/2;    
    printf("Your median is %lf ", odd);    // Printing odd median

//  Calculate the standard deviation
void dev(double a[], int n)
    double sum = 0;           // The sum of all elements so far. 
    double sum_sqrs = 0;      // The sum of their squares. 
    double variance, average,std_dev;
    int i;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sum += a[i];
    sum_sqrs += a[i]*a[i];

  //Compute the average and variance,using the equality: Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)*E(X)
    average = (double)sum / (double)n;
    variance = (double)sum_sqrs / (double)n - (average)*(average);

  // Compute the standard deviation. 
    std_dev = sqrt(variance);   
  printf("The deviation is %lf", variance);            

In the function to calculate the median you have used the variable i without initializing it.

I can't believe I did not set it to i=zero for median.. It worked as soon as I made the change.. Thank you.. i am a dummy.. Still need help with my deviation if someone can see another stupid mistake.. I did troubleshoot my code for a couple of days before I asked for help..

In the function to calculate variance is
(a) Average being calculated correctly ?
(b) Can you please use brackets to more explicitly specify the order of the arithmetic operations

When you write

variance = (double)sum_sqrs / (double)n - (average)*(average);

It will
(1) divide sum_sqrs by n
(2) multiple average by average
Subtract (2) from (1)

Is this what you want ?

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