
i need your help to make a webbrowser work automaticly

i need make make webrowser enter automaticly to a link then wait 10 seconds and enter to auther link then wait 10 seconds and enter to auther link

then wait 10 seconds and close automaticly

i want the webrowser do all those things jst after click on browser icon

i need your help

we help those who help them selves.

to make a webbrowser work automaticly

nothing works automatically, you have to make it do that by writing some code.

BTW- What is the code that you are working on ?

i dont have anu code now

i want make a wbrowser to enter to 3 link and the ytime between link and link its 10 sec and after the last link i want the webroser to close him self after 10 seconds

You need to show some effort to get any sort of help here.

im new on vb6 i dont now how to make a vb6 code thats why i need your help

im still need this help

where are u brothers ?

but me i want the webrowser to enter when it open to a lin then wait 10 seconds and enter to auther link the wait 10 seconds and enter to link then wait 10 seconds and close automaticly

im stiil need this help brothers i hope u help me

no..you even didn't show some effort after i give u a link.

ok i going to make a webrowser then u show me how it going to do all those things automaticly

See if this helps :
1. Add textbox to form name it as textAddress
2. Add Component, Project->Component (Or Ctrl+T), Find for Microsoft Internet Controls, check and Apply it. you can find a new control appear on toolbox named Webbrowser.
3. Add WebBrowser to Form.
4. Add Timer to form, set Interval to 1000 (1000 = 1 Second)
5. Add this following code :

Dim i As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://www.yahoo.com")
textAddress.Text = ("http://www.yahoo.com")
Timer1.Enabled = True
i = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
i = i + 1
List1.AddItem i
If i = 10 Then 
    WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://www.google.com")
    textAddress.Text = ("http://www.google.com")
End If
If i = 20 Then ' 
    WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://www.amazon.com")
    textAddress.Text = ("http://www.amazon.com")
End If
If i = 30 Then
    WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://www.facebook.com ")
    textAddress.Text = ("http://www.facebook.com")
End If
If i = 40 Then
End If

End Sub
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