Hi, I'm kinda new to VB.net programming and now I'm get stuck in one simple problem, plz help if you can.

I'm trying to create a simple program that display a list of game(from database) according to user's input. The input is core, clock, ram, vga.

How I make the program display only the data that lower and according to the spec?
Ex: if I enter the core in 4, then the program will show the game with 4 core and below.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks b4.

Ex: if I enter the core in 4, then the program will show the game with 4 core and below.

Use Search Statement. Find for game with 4 core.

which database ur using?

I'm using Database from Access. I'm sucessfully linked it via wizard, but if I enter 4 core, the only games shown is game with 4 core, not 4 core and below.

I then trying with manual approach, using jet... But then I don't know how to show the table.

use "<=" operator in your select statement.

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