Hi, i really need help making this program:
Write a program that will ask a teacher to enter his 4 digit password. The program gives three tries for the password. If the teacher fails in three tries, the program displays the message, “you are not eligible to enter the grades”. If the password is correct, enter "the names of the students", "ID" and "percentage of marks in physics.
All together there are 10 students. Alternately the teacher may be promted to enter any number of students interactively. the program then sorts the names alphabetically. the program calculates the class average physics. the program assigns the letter grades to each student according to the following criterion.
- >90 and <=100 A
- >80 and <=90 B
- >70 and <=80 C
- >60 and <=70 D
- <60 F
The program displays the following for all 10 students.
1. Name, ID, % marks, and the letter grade for each students.
2. No. of students in each grade
3. Highest marks, lowest marks and average (up to two decimal places) marks.
The program saves the following data as a sequential file on my D:\ drive
a) Name
b) ID
c) Marks
d) Letter Grade.
with a click of a command button, the file can be displayed on a picture box.