#define UN_IN -1
#define COL 10001
#define ROW 5000
int main()
    int r,c;
    long int a[ROW][COL];
    for (r=0;r<ROW;r++)
    // b[r][c]=UN_IN;
     printf("%d %d", a[34][56],a[12][67]);
     return 0;

I was solving a problem which required large input. Am using a two dimension array but it gives me segmentation fault when I run it.
Please help.

You are more than likely corrupting the stack with that huge array. Move the array into global, outside any function, such as move line 8 just after line 4.

>#define COL 10001
>#define ROW 5000
>long int a[ROW][COL];

Let's see, 10001 * 5000, multiply that by 4 on the assumption that your longs are 32-bit, and you've got a single object on the stack taking up ~190MB. I'm confident that the default stack size for your compiler is significantly smaller than that. For huge arrays like this you should be using malloc to allocate on the heap.

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