how do u append and subtract a number in an array. i have no clue. any links to a site about this wouls greatly appreciated

oh this is for C++ too

eh that didnt help me much

>How do u append in an array.
If u want to add at end then simply do


If you want to add at the beginning or somewhere in middle then you need to shift the elements to make space for the new element.
>How do u subtract a number in an array.
I guess by this u mean removing an element...for this you need to shift elements again...which is very expensive.
If you have an array of 10 elements and you want to remove 5th element then u need to perform shifting of elements from 6th element so that, now element at 6th position becomes the element at 5th position, element at 5th position becomes the element at 4th position and so that total elements are 1 less than before.
>eh that didnt help me much
That was basic array tutorial meant to make u aware of what arrays are...proper undrstanding of it will make u solve such problems...anyways here's another tutorial link

Try using the std::vector template class.

std::vector<int> my_int_array;
//Add elements
//Display all the numbers
for(int i=0;i<my_int_array.size();i++)
//Deletion of position i :P

If you can only use pure arrays, then you will have to learn about dynamic memory allocation to modify the size of the array at run-time.

Or were you just asking if you want to put a new value into an array of a fixed size?

Or were you just asking if you want to put a new value into an array of a fixed size?

yea a fixed size array

could i just use pointers to add it to the array?

could i just use pointers to add it to the array?

You don't need it...plz read the link which i provided

yea i did and i like that cause it helps so thanks but i was just curious

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