what I am trying to do is retrive the "status" back to my main prog of the status of a patient.

I thought it was a simple case of S.retrieve(index of person I was looking for) and I would recive the status (which is an integer) back to my main function. everytime I try to complie it will not compile. Any suggestions on how to tackle it?

Patient P; declaration of object
Sequence S; declaration of patient

I have a patient object with methods 

void patient::set_status(int aStatus)

            int patient::get_status()
            return status;

I have a Linked list with method

  SeqItemType Sequence::retrieve(int index)
if ((index < 1) || (index > size())){
// can't retrieve something that isn't there
ListNode *cur = find(index);
return cur->item.get_status();

Is it just a typo in the post or is the object called Patient with a capital P and the class methods are using patient with a lowercase p?

I figured this one out myself or should I say the solution works!!!

Change SeqItemType to an int. then the method will return an int which is what i wanted and I can use an if/case statement from here.

SeqItemType Sequence::retrieve(int index)
if ((index < 1) || (index > size())){
// can't retrieve something that isn't there
ListNode *cur = find(index);
return cur->item.get_status();

What's the point of this statement? You don't return something else instead and you don't perform any logic...

if ((index < 1) || (index > size())){
// can't retrieve something that isn't there

Good point. We have a lab tomorrow morning and I'll ask the lecturer. Sometimes I reckon the lecturer just pulls the notes down off the net somewhere and just throws them out to us.

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