Hi, I wants to ask how to convert DBNull to Date type?
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
i = 0
Dim array As Object = row.ItemArray
Dim a As String
If array(i + 10) IsNot Nothing Then
a = CDate(array(i + 10)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")
array(i + 10) = DBNull.Value
a = array(i + 10)
End If
SQLStr2 = "INSERT INTO ScannedPartNoTbl (ScannedTime)" & _
" VALUES ('" & _
SQLStrCmd.ReplaceStr(a) & "')"
array(i + 10) is datetime type, in the program above, if the Datetime column contains items, it still can run. However, when it loops to a row where the Datetime column does not have value of datetime (or the column is null), then an error " Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid" is occured. I tried to use the if statements as program above but it seems like cannot works.
Anyone have solution for this problem?