please i am new to this vb programming but i have a challenge before me.. I need to make a program that will compare the date in the database with the system date and if they are equal, it pops up a notification on the icon tray. Your help will be appreciated

1. store all the dates and other details (suppose birth day of all friend with there name , ph and email) in a database.
2. on start of your application it should connect to database and check if todays date matches with any of the dates in the database.
3. If it matches display a pop up in the system tray.

You need to run you application on a scheduled time once a day.

IF u new in VB than do all things and u need a instructer must so follow ur senior , and i also good in VB6 so i also help u dear.

1. store all the dates and other details (suppose birth day of all friend with there name , ph and email) in a database.
2. on start of your application it should connect to database and check if todays date matches with any of the dates in the database.
3. If it matches display a pop up in the system tray.

You need to run you application on a scheduled time once a day.

commented: no need to copy and paste from other posts that to with your mindless advice. -3

I already have all the dates stored in the database and i have the code that will run and check in the database if the system date is equivalent to the dates in the database... the challenge now is that i need a balloon to pop up in the icon tray notifying me that there are birthdays.. Thats the code i need.. I know how to minimize to icon tray but for the balloon to pop up is the challenge

This may help.

Thanks.. This helps a little.. Do you know the pop up balloon that shows when you have new updates to perform on your computer? That is what i mean.. The code in this article, only helps to show the icon on the tray which i already know and then also when you click it shows the events to be performed, what i need is for the balloon to show automatically.. just like the windows update pop up

please check this.

if that doe snot work you need to use some 3rd party control.

Thanks to all.. I managed to resolve it

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