I dont know if im posting on the right forum but I was wondering if you guys can help me pick out training material for VB.NET.
After struggling with an application, I think I need to expand my knowledge on VB.NET and SQL. Whats a good tutorial or textbook for VB.NET? I have some knowledge on VB from school but I studied system design so need something thats not too basic but basic enough.

My company assigned me the task of building software capable of training hundreds of individuals on hundreds of different items, building reports to show progress, and having sections for both users and administrators. The tools available to me were Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. Previous programming experience was one class in college, 5 years earlier, in C++.

It took me about 8 months, but between Google, MSDN Libraries, and this forum, I was able to learn everything I needed. I will admit that in the beginning the code was sloppy and not the most efficient, and may not be professional grade now, but it works. And it works pretty well. There are very few issues with the software. It has been in full service for about 4 months now, and I spend less than 4 hours a week working on it, if at all.

It sucks, and it is very difficult, but if you teach yourself all of this stuff the hard way, you will not just learn it, but understand it. Start by building software for your home use. You'll get it if you want to.

Good luck.

commented: MSDN library... +1

I dont know if im posting on the right forum but I was wondering if you guys can help me pick out training material for VB.NET.
After struggling with an application, I think I need to expand my knowledge on VB.NET and SQL. Whats a good tutorial or textbook for VB.NET? I have some knowledge on VB from school but I studied system design so need something thats not too basic but basic enough.

hi. a blind programmer. will paste the text of my message below. if any one can help,

Thats what I've been hearing from my friends in programming field, get help from google or download sample codes. But it seems like whenever I am searching for answer, I was never able to get to the right help. I know google search helps me get to the ball park but never right on the spot.

hi. a blind programmer. will paste the text of my message below. if any one can help,

Hey I guess the message you are trying to post didnt paste but yeah im pretty sure whatever question you have we got answer to it.

What you need to use is proper key words for search, will will always hit what you are looking for.

bluehangook - Normally, as long as you put some effort in, people in the forum will help. Try a program, something simple, and when you run into a problem, post your question and the code. Most of the time, you will get an answer. The rest of the time, you will figure it out yourself as you go.

I did not use any material to help me "study" for programming before actually doing it. I did contemplate taking a class at the local community college. Credits are only $78/hr there. If it is that important to you, that is what I would think is the best bet. You'll get an actual professor and class mates to work with.

This may be helpful to you.

I guess I'll start with online training material. I looked at some courses that i can take over at a community college but its like $1,350 for a 1/2 semester long class. Thats like 1/3 of what I used to pay a semester in college, something I cant afford right now.
Thank you all for your input

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