Hi I am in a java class and am working on a mortgage calculator with gui. I think I almost am done and have the assignment parameters completed but am stuck on two issues.
1) can't get my scroll pane to work.
2) I want to have the user select from a menu and then have the menu items populate the textfields. I can get part of it to work.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.text.*;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class shannon_change_request_6 extends JFrame{
public shannon_change_request_6 ()
super ("Mortgage Calculator");
private void initComponents ()
//set paramaters initialize the data fields
principleLabel = new JLabel (); //the principle label
principleField = new JFormattedTextField (); //the principle text field
loanMenuLabel = new JLabel();
interestLabel = new JLabel();
lengthYearsLabel = new JLabel ();
monthlyPaymentLabel = new JLabel ();
interestField = new JFormattedTextField();
lengthYearsField = new JFormattedTextField ();
monthlyPaymentField = new JFormattedTextField ();
clearButton = new JButton (); //create the clear button
calculateButton = new JButton ();//create the calculate button
quitButton = new JButton ();// create the quit button
topPanel = new JPanel ();//create panel to place label/field and
centerPanel = new JPanel (); //create panel for mortgage scheudle
bottomPanel = new JPanel ();//create panel for buttons
scrollSchedule = new JScrollPane ();//scroll pane for mortgage sched
scrollText = new JTextArea (); //set text area for scroll pane
scheduleTitle = new JLabel();
loanMenu = new JComboBox ();//create list for loan menu
componentFonts = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 14); //create fonnt
//layout of mortgage scheudle
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//set menu items for user to choose
String[] loanMenuItems = {"7 years at 5.35%", "15 years at 5.5%",
"30 years at 5.75%"
loanMenu = new JComboBox (loanMenuItems);
topPanel.setLayout(null); //allows to create own size
topPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000,175)); //create size
topPanel.setBackground(Color.blue);//set color
topPanel.add (principleField); //add to top
topPanel.add (principleLabel); //add to top
topPanel.add (loanMenu); //add to top
topPanel.add (loanMenuLabel);//add to top
topPanel.add (loanMenu);
topPanel.add (interestField);
topPanel.add (interestLabel);
topPanel.add (lengthYearsField);
topPanel.add (lengthYearsLabel);
topPanel.add (monthlyPaymentLabel);
topPanel.add (monthlyPaymentField);
//position and set size for add items. First two numbers postion, last two size
principleField.setBounds (200,10,150,30);
principleLabel.setBounds (20,10,150,30);
loanMenuLabel.setBounds (500,10,150,30);
loanMenu.setBounds (660,10,175,30);
interestField.setBounds (200,50,150,30);
interestLabel.setBounds (20,50,150,30);
lengthYearsField.setBounds (200,90,150,30);
lengthYearsLabel.setBounds (20,90,150,30);
monthlyPaymentField.setBounds (200,130,150,30);
monthlyPaymentLabel.setBounds (20,130,150,30);
principleLabel.setText("Enter Loan Amount:");
loanMenuLabel.setText ("Or Choose Available Loan:");
loanMenu.setFont (componentFonts);
interestLabel.setText("Enter InterestRate:");
lengthYearsLabel.setText("Enter Loan Term (years):");
monthlyPaymentLabel.setText("The Monthly Payment is:");
centerPanel.setLayout(null); //allows to create own size
centerPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,400)); //create size, first number width
centerPanel.setBackground(Color.white);//set color
centerPanel.add (scrollSchedule); //add center
centerPanel.add (scheduleTitle);
centerPanel.add (scrollText);
//position and set size for add items. First two numbers postion, last two size
scheduleTitle.setBounds (80,10,650,30);
scrollSchedule.setBounds (80,40,700,350);
scrollText.setBounds (80,40,700,350);
scheduleTitle.setFont (componentFonts);
scheduleTitle.setText ("Payment Interest Paid Balance");
bottomPanel.setLayout(null); //allows to create own size
bottomPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,50)); //create size
bottomPanel.setBackground(Color.blue);//set color
bottomPanel.add (calculateButton); //add to top
bottomPanel.add (clearButton); //add to top
bottomPanel.add (quitButton); //add to top
calculateButton.setText ("Calculate");
clearButton.setText ("Clear");
quitButton.setText ("Exit");
//position and set size for add items. First two numbers postion, last two size
calculateButton.setBounds (100,10,100,30);
clearButton.setBounds (300,10,100,30);
quitButton.setBounds (500,10,100,30);
//assign action listners
quitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //quit program
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ //clear fields
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
monthlyPaymentField.setText ("");
calculateButton.addActionListener (new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent as){
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();//display currency and decimal place
double interest = Double.parseDouble(interestField.getText());
double principle = Double.parseDouble (principleField.getText());
double lengthyears = Double.parseDouble (lengthYearsField.getText());
double monthlypayment = (principle * interest /100/12)/
(1 - Math.pow(1/ (1 + interest /100/12),lengthyears * 12));
monthlyPaymentField.setValue (new Double (monthlypayment));
//for loop to provide calculation and add to text box.
for (int count=1;count<=lengthyears*12;count++){
interest = interest/100;
double new_balance = principle;
for (int count=1;count<=lengthyears*12;count++){
double payment = count;
double monthly_interest = new_balance * interest * 1/12;
double principlePayment = monthlypayment - monthly_interest;
new_balance = new_balance - principlePayment;
scrollText.append(" " + payment + "\t" + nf.format(monthly_interest)
+ "\t" + nf.format(new_balance) + "\n");
loanMenu.addItemListener(new ItemListener(){
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie){
String str = (String)loanMenu.getSelectedItem();
getContentPane().add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
getContentPane().add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
pack ();
setResizable (true);
public static void main(String[] args)
//command to tell program to run display
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable ()
public void run()
{new shannon_change_request_6().setVisible(true);
private JLabel principleLabel;
private JFormattedTextField principleField;
private JLabel loanMenuLabel;
private JLabel interestLabel;
private JLabel lengthYearsLabel;
private JLabel monthlyPaymentLabel;
private JFormattedTextField interestField;
private JFormattedTextField lengthYearsField;
private JFormattedTextField monthlyPaymentField;
private JButton clearButton;
private JButton calculateButton;
private JButton quitButton;
private JPanel topPanel;
private JPanel centerPanel;
private JPanel bottomPanel;
private JScrollPane scrollSchedule;
private JTextArea scrollText;
private JLabel scheduleTitle;
private JComboBox loanMenu;
private Font componentFonts;
private double principle; //for manual user input
private double interest; //for manual user input
private int lengthyears; //for manual user input