can anyone help me convert this vba script to python
On Error Resume Next
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Dim pCurve As ICurve
Dim pFromPoint As IPoint
Dim dXFrom As Double
Dim bSrefFromMap As Boolean
'Adjust the parameter below
'bSrefFromMap = True ==> the coordinates will be calculated in the projection of the Map
'bSrefFromMap = False ==> the coordinates will be calculated in the projection of the data
bSrefFromMap = False
If (Not IsNull([Shape])) Then
Set pCurve = [Shape]
If (Not pCurve.IsEmpty) Then
If (bSrefFromMap) Then
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
pCurve.Project pMap.SpatialReference
End If
Set pFromPoint = pCurve.FromPoint
dXFrom = pFromPoint.X
End If
End If
thank you very much for the help
Edit: added code tags, vegaseat