This is related to
However, in this case, I don't necessarily know the value of the var from which I am getting the name using vars(). Is there a way to get it?

prefix = 'char'
lidControls = []
lidControls2Make = ['uprLid', 'lwrLid','lwrLidTrack', 'uprLidTrack','uprLidRef','lidRig']
for control in lidControls2Make:
    objTmp = prefix + '_'+control
    # Assign the name to the control so we can access it by name later:
    vars()[control] = objTmp
    # So far, so good. The task is accomplished
    # But how do I get the name of the variable created by vars()[control]?
    # I want do this on each iteration of the loop:
    varNameVal = dict(vars()[control]=objTmp) # This fails: "keyword can't be an expression"
    print 'The value of ',varNameVal.keys()[0],'is now:',varNameVal.values()[0]\
    #Result: The value of uprLid is now char_uprLid

Thanks much.

Looks that you are trying to do something super complicated to confuse yourself and maybe others that read your code. What is ultimate purpose of this metaprogramming? I don't think it serves any proper purpose.

Generally if somebody wants to do this kind of trickery, they should be using sequence types or dictionaries of normal kind. I think your difficulty is sign that you are doing the wrong thing (even that could be overcome if your purpose would be clear)

from pprint import pprint
prefix = 'char'
lidControls = dict()
lidControls2Make = ['uprLid', 'lwrLid','lwrLidTrack', 'uprLidTrack','uprLidRef','lidRig']
for control in lidControls2Make:
    lidControls[control] = '%s_%s' % (prefix, control)
    print 'The value of  %s is now: %s' %(control, lidControls[control])
#Result: The value of uprLid is now char_uprLid
print('lidControls = ')

Your code does exactly what I want - thanks very much.
What I am doing with the code is creating an eyelid rig for a 3d character rig in Maya. The rig causes the eyelids to track the movement of the character's eyeball so they require less attention while being animated. I think that is a proper purpose, but who knows?
You are correct in that I was taking the wrong approach to the problem. I'm not a professional coder, but I've gotten far enough to need this function, thanks for moving me along...

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