I'm doing the google code U python class and came across a problem trying the following problem, which is the commented out region, the solution needs to be a function. I'm on the second part and trying to find a way to count the values which meet the requirement,i[0:2]==i[-2:]. I running Python 3.2
# A. match_ends
# Given a list of strings, return the count of the number of
# strings where the string length is 2 or more and the first
# and last chars of the string are the same.
# Note: python does not have a ++ operator, but += works.
def match_ends(words):
words=sorted(words, key=len)
for i in words:
if len(i)<2:
for i in words:
if i[0:2]==i[-2:]:
x.append[i]#which I know will not work