Hi everybody,
I want to get the start and end of all the patterns mattched in regex. I know I can get it with start() and end() fn of matched objects. But re.search() return the match object of first matching regex in the string. I want all match objects in that string

Here is the string :

tmplstr = """

${list:  parentlst}
  an element     ${elem:    parentlst}
${/list:   parentlst}

${list:  childlst}
  an element     ${elem:  childlst}
${/list:  childlst}

Here is the regex script:

    # Compile List Patterns
    # Start of List
    lstpattern_st = r"(\$\{list:   ([a-z]*[0-9 ]*)\})"
    lstpat_st = re.compile(lstpattern_st)

    # End of List
    lstpattern_end = r"(\$\{/list:  ([a-z]*[0-9 ]*)\})"
    lstpat_e = re.compile(lstpattern_end, re.I)

    matchgrp_st = lstpat_st.search(tmplstr)
    strt = matchgrp_st.start()
    print strt
    matchgrp_e = lstpat_e.search(tmplstr)
    end = matchgrp_e.end()
    print end
    print self.tmplstr[strt:end]

Note: There are no spaces in $list after colon. I had given it to avoid smilies only

I want all the start and end indices of the string but re.search() returns the first regex met in the string. re.match()also wont work because it search in the begining.

Can anyone help me in getting the start and end indices of all. Or can provide any other solution instead of this?

Hmm, got some goofy funny faces in your code and reworked it a little. Is this still correct?

I want all the start and end indices of the string but re.search() returns the first
regex met in the string. re.match() also wont work because it search in the begining.

Can anyone help me in getting the start and end indices of all. OR can provide any
other solution instead of this

tmplstr = """

an element ${elemparentlst}

an element ${elem:childlst}

import re

# Compile List Patterns
# Start of List
lstpattern_st = r"(\$\{list([a-z]*[0-9 ]*)\})"  # had unbalanced ()
lstpat_st = re.compile(lstpattern_st)

# End of List
lstpattern_end = r"(\$\{/list([a-z]*[0-9 ]*)\})"
lstpat_e = re.compile(lstpattern_end, re.I)

matchgrp_st = lstpat_st.search(tmplstr)
strt = matchgrp_st.start()
print 'start =', strt
matchgrp_e = lstpat_e.search(tmplstr)
end = matchgrp_e.end()
print 'end =', end
print 'tmplstr[%d:%d] =' % (strt, end)
print tmplstr[strt:end]  # removed self.

Hi vega,
for getting all the match objects in the string. I had found out finditer() and it gave me the result. Thanks for replying. Here is the script snippet :

startpattern = re.compile(r"(\$\{list:   ([a-z]*[0-9 ]*)\})")

        # Get All the match objects of ${list: listname} in template
        startgrps = startpattern.finditer(self.tmplstr)

        # Store the end/start indices of all start list Placeholders: ${list: listname}
        endindexofStart = []
        startindexofStart = []
        for grp in startgrps:
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