Can anyone help me !!! i need to create a library system using java and i don't know where to start so can anyone suggest steps on how can i create a successful application .

First thing to do would be to design the system.
What do you want it to do?

what is much easier to do a library system or student info system ?

Give me the full designs for each system so I can know how complicated each is.

ive decided to create a student info system and i like my system to be like these .

Ok, now design your system.

i dont know where start by the way the system needs to be in java .

please help me sir ! .

Did you see my last suggestion? That is still my advice.
When you get a design for the system and have specific questions about how to implement it in java, post your questions here.
There are many people here who will help you.

Hey adri00713,
NormR1 is right.First you have to design your system.I have done a project in Java(Admission test management system) few months ago.
I also have to design my system first.
So bro..first do this.
which information do you want to store in your database,which data you want to show etc....
Then create some Jframes linking each another as you will have design your system.
But you have to design you system by yourself in a pepar.

Then ask us...........for more help.

Divide big task into smaller chunks
1) Identify the Data
2) Create tables to store that data
3) Create Html pages
4) Create Jsp page to insert ,update and read data from database
by doing this you ll get an idea...then proceed with main design

From msvinaykumar's reply....point 3 and four is tough for first time.
First do the simple design by using Jframe.Then do the other tasks.

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